Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 11 – The Sugar Plum Tree

‘Tis: It is

marvel: a wonderful or amazing thing or person

renown: if something is of great renown’, it is famous. It is known to many people as a good thing

wondrously: wonderfully, amazingly

Things to do

1. Write the names of the following from the poem.

(a) ____ Tree

Ans: Sugar-Plum


(b) ____ Sea

Ans: lollipop


(c) ____ Town

Ans: shut-eye town

2. Answer the following questions:

(a) Where does the Sugar-Plum Tree bloom?

Ans: The Sugar-Plum Tree blooms on the shore of the Lollipop sea.


(b) Why is the town called Shut-Eye Town?

Ans: The town is called a Shut-Eye Town because the town can appear only as a dream in the sleep.


(c) What happens if you eat the fruit of the Sugar-Plum Tree?

Ans: If you eat the fruit of the Sugar-Plum Tree, you will be very happy the next day.

3. Using your imagination, write about other wonderful things that you may find in – 

(a) Shut-Eye Town 

Ans: In the Shut-Eye town, I may find different toys, rides, games, chocolates, etc.


(b) Lollipop Sea.

Ans: In the lollipop sea, I may find the different shapes and sizes of the lollipop on the sugar-plum tree.


4. Write 3-4 lines about a real fruit tree that you like.

Ans: I often enjoy the sweetness of strawberries. These vibrant red berries are small, juicy, and fun to eat. Picking them can be like a treasure hunt, and their tangy-sweet taste is like a burst of happiness in every bite.