Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 9 – Dress Quickly

slovenly: untidy, careless in dress and manners. 

goops: a rude, careless person with no manners.

strew: scatter, spread here and there.

clothing: clothes.

Things to do

1. List at least 5 things (apart from dressing) that we have to do all our life. For example, comb one’s hair or take a bath/shower. In the list, tick off the things that you are able to do properly and quickly. Talk to your parents/guardians and friends about how to do all these things well.

Eat food
Cut our nails (cannot do properly)
Brush our teeth
Take bath / shower (cannot do properly)

2. In the following charts, write at least two examples of each.

(a) Things I do without fail –

Ans: Brush my teeth

Take a bath/shower


Things I forget to do –

Ans: Keep my books in the proper place after studying.

Wash my hands before eating


(b) Things I like to do –

Ans: Drawing and colouring 

To read story books


Things I don’t feel like doing –

Ans: Going to bed early

Doing homework


(c) Things I can do well –

Ans: Making friends easily

Learning new things


Things I can’t do well –

Ans: Waiting for something I want

Tie a tie knot

3. Read the following and circle the things that the Goops would do.

    • Speak with their mouth full.
    • Cover their mouth when they sneeze.
    • Put muddy footprints on the bed.
    • Spit on the roads.
    • Flush the toilet properly.
    • Wipe dirty hands on their clothes.
    • Pick their nose.
    • Switch off fans and lights while leaving a room.
    • Push people on the stairs.
    • Wait in a queue.
    • Use other people’s things without their permission.
    • Throw garbage in a dustbin.

Speak with their mouth full.
Put muddy footprints on the bed.
Spit on the roads.
Pick their nose.
Push people on the stairs.
Use other people’s things without their permission.

4. Write the pairs of rhyming words you see at the end of the poem. 

For example, sick – quick.


dress – unless

sick – quick

way – day

care – chair

worry – hurry

before – floor 

5. Make new words by adding -ly’ to the following words. Then use the new words in your own sentences.


neat – neatly. 

Write neatly.

(a) slow

Ans: slowly

Sentence – The turtle walked slowly across the garden.


(b) nice

Ans: nicely

Sentence – She smiled and thanked her friend nicely.


(c) proper

Ans: properly 

Sentence – Remember to tie your shoelaces properly before going outside.


(d) loud

Ans: loudly

SentenceThe children laughed loudly during the funny movie.


(e) soft

Ans: softly

Sentence – The cat purred softly as it cuddled with its owner.


(f) clear

Ans: clearly

Sentence – The teacher spoke clearly so everyone could understand.


(g) neat

Ans: neatly

Sentence – He organized his toys neatly on the shelf.