Chapter 6 - Entertainment and History

Time - 30 Minutes

Marks - 10

1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3. Marks are included against each question.

1. Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement. (1 mark)

__________ are supposed to be the first keertankar in Maharashtra.

(a) Saint Dnyanehshwar

(b) Saint Tukaram

(c) Saint Namdev

(d) Saint Eknath


2. Identify and write the wrong pair in the following set. (1 mark)

(1) Raigadala Jevha Jag Yete – Vasant Kanetkar

(2) Tilak Ani Agarkar – Vishram Bedekar

(3) Sashtang Namaskar – Acharya Atre

(4) Ekach Pyala – Annasaheb Kirloskar

3. Explain the following statements with reasons. (1.5 marks)

Expertise in history is important in the film industry.

4. Answer the following questions in detail. (2.5 marks)

Why is Maharashtra known as the land that nurtured the Indian film industry?

5. Write short note on. (4 marks)

(1) Need of entertainment.

(2) Entertainment and professional opportunities.