Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Chapter 2.5 – Learn Yoga from Animals

emulate : imitate

vibrant : full of energy and life

posture : the position in which you hold your body while sitting or standing

tone : Here, it means firmness of muscle.

navel : belly button

assume : Here, it means ‘take’.

splayed : spread apart

quadriceps : the large muscle at the front of the thigh


Q1. Where was yoga perfected?

Ans: Yoga was perfected in ancient India.


Q2. What does yoga involve?

Ans: Yoga is a composite practice, involving the complete mind-body-soul complex that is a human being. 


Q3. What are the benefits of yoga?

Ans: Benefits of Yoga are:

(i) Helps us attain concentration

(ii) Helps us attain focus

(iii) Improves flexibility

(iv) Improves strength


Q4. What is biomimicry?

Ans: Biomimicry is the science of solving human problems with solutions already present in the natural world.


Q5. In what way is yoga a form of biomimicry?

Ans: Yoga is a form of biomimicry where, in typical asanas or poses, we emulate mountains, trees, fish, cats, and many more animals.


1. Complete the following diagrams.







2. Prepare charts for each one of the asanas described in the passage. Use the following points : 

    • Name (in English, in your mother tongue) Meaning in English
    • General information
    • Steps and pictures 
    • Benefits

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

3. List the names of body parts used in the passage.

Ans: muscles, back, spine, chest, shoulders, face, palms, head, vertebra, navel, legs, toes, heels, eyes, forehead, mouth, palette, tongue, nose, jaws, arms. Ingers, lungs, abdomen, hands, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, chin, chest, joints, feet, thigh. call, quadriceps, sole, tail-bone, pubis.

4. List the adverbs/adverbial phrases used in the passage.


Adverbs: today, basically, already, Indoors, outdoors. 

Adverbials: in simple terms, from this point of view, in the morning, in the evening, on your own.

5. Language Study :

Conjunctions : A conjunction is a word which joins words or clauses.

Look at the following sentences.

1. Sahil and Rohan go to school together.

2. Sahil is drawing a picture and Rahul is playing football.

In sentence 1, the conjunction ‘and’ joins two words.

In sentence 2, the conjunction ‘and’ joins two clauses.


The following are some more examples of conjunction.

    • Do you like cricket or football?
    • Your parents will be happy if you study well.
    • She has not come to school because she is ill.
    • We played well, but we lost the match.
    • Tell him that we are going to the playground.
    • When you are at home, you should help your mother in her work.


Interjections : An interjection is a word that expresses a sudden feeling or emotion. Interjections can express joy, grief, surprise, pain, approval etc.


Look at the following examples.

1. Hurrah! We have won the game. (Joy)

2. Ouch! That hurt. (Pain)

3. Wow! What a nice picture! (Approval)