Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Four

Lesson 2 – The Inter-relationships between Living Things

(A) What’s the solution?

Gurpreet has to go for a hobby class on a hot summer afternoon. She needs to be told what to do to protect herself from the heat.

Ans: Gurpreet can carry an umbrella or wear a cap to protect herself from the heat. She should wear cotton clothes to keep her body cool and she should have enough water with her.

(B) Think and tell.

1. If water collects in fields due to heavy rains, the crops growing there rot. Why?

Ans: If the crops get more water than they need they rot Because they are not aquatic plants.


2. Why do we not get a good crop if we do not get good rains?

Ans: If it does not rain enough the crops cannot grow completely because crops need sufficient water for their growth.


3. Why does the Indian rat snake (dhaman) live around fields?

Ans: The Indian rat snake (dhaman) eats rats for survival which he easily finds in fields therefore the Indian rat snake lives around fields.


4. If there are furry animals living in snowy regions, would their coats be thick or sparse?

Ans: The coats of furry animals living in snowy regions are thick. It keeps the animals warmer during the cold weather.

(C) Find out :

1. Which fruits are the following places in Maharashtra famous for?

    • Nagpur
    • Gholvad

    • Saswad

    • Deogad

    • Jalgaon


Nagpur – Orange

Gholvad – Chickoo

Saswad – Figs

Deogad – Mango

Jalgaon – Banana

2. Why do you think these fruit trees grow in those particular regions? Find out and write down the information you get. Share it with your classmates.

Ans: The regions where these fruits are located have a suitable climate for their growth. The weather and rainfall are appropriate for them, and hence they grow in these regions.

(D) Answer the following questions.

1. How are plants useful to us?

Ans: The plants give us food grains, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. Plants also provide us with fibres like cotton wool. We can make clothes from these plant fibres. Plants give us oxygen. They also provide materials like wood to us for making our shelter.


2. What is meant by ‘arboreal’ animals?

Ans: Animals that live on trees are called arboreal animals. Monkeys are arboreal animals. 


3. What changes do we see in trees at the beginning of March?

Ans: In the month of March, many trees get new leaves. Forests appear to have taken on a copper colour because leaves are reddish and shiny while they are tender. Their colour changes to green as the leaves grow bigger. We can hear the sound of a cuckoo.

(E) Fill in the blanks.

1. After ________, winter comes again.

Ans: rainy season


2. We keep animals because animals meet some of our ________.

Ans: needs. 


3. We spray ________ to prevent insects from attacking plants.

Ans: insecticides


4. Winter is also known as the season of ________

Ans: paangal.