Chapter 2 - Health and Diseases
Time - 60 Minutes
Marks - 20
1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3. Marks are included against each question.
Q1. Fill in the blanks. (2 marks)
1. ____ vaccine is useful for prevention of tuberculosis.
2. A person donating blood four times a year can save the lives of around _____ people.
Q2. Identify the odd term. (1 mark)
Malaria, hepatitis, elephantiasis, dengue.
Q3. Make a list. (2 marks)
a. Hereditary diseases.
b. Diseases spread through insects.
Q4. Distinguish between: (2 marks)
Infectious and non-infectious diseases.
Q5. What can be achieved / can be prevented? (4 marks)
a. Proper checking of blood before blood donation.
b. Avoiding smoking and alcoholism.
Q6. Explain the importance. (2 mark)
Balanced diet.
Q7. Answer in one sentence: (3 marks)
a. Which are various media of spreading infectious diseases?
b. Give the names of five non-infectious diseases other than given in the lesson.
c. Which are the main reasons of diabetes and heart diseases?
Q8. Give the preventive measures of following diseases. (4 marks)
a. Dengue
b. Cancer