Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Eight

Chapter 1 - Living World and Classification of Microbes

1. Use Whittaker method to classify bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes. 


(i) Robert Whittaker classified living organisms into five groups Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. According to this classification, bacteria and blue green algae are included in kingdom Monera.

(ii) Unicellular eukaryotes i.e. protozoans are included in the kingdom Protista.

(iii) Heterotrophic fungi are separated from autotrophic plants due to the presence of chitinous cell walls and are included in kingdom Fungi.

(iv) Prokaryotic microbes like bacteria are included in the kingdom Monera.

(v) Eukaryotic microbes like protozoa, fungi and algae are included in the kingdom Protista, Fungi and Plantae respectively.

2. Complete the five kingdom method of classification using- living organism, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular, unicellular, protista, animals, plants, fungi.

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4. State whether the following statements are true or false. Explain your statement. 

a. Lactobacilli are harmful bacteria.

Ans: False.

Explanation: Lactobacilli are useful bacteria. Lactobacillus is characterized by its ability to convert lactose in milk to lactic acid. Lactobacilli are used for the production of yoghurt, cheese, cream, buttermilk, probiotics, etc. Also, these microbes decrease the population of harmful microbes in the gut and increase the population of microbes that help in digestion.


b. Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin.

Ans: True.

Explanation: Fungi are eukaryotic organisms with cell walls. They differ from the members of kingdom Plantae by the presence of a chitinous cell wall. Chitin is a tough and complex sugar.


c. Organ of locomotion in amoeba is pseudopodia. 

Ans: True. 

Explanation: Amoeba belongs to the kingdom Protista. The organisms belonging to this kingdom either have pseudopodia, cilia or whip-like flagella for locomotion. Amoeba does not possess cilia or flagella but has pseudopodia (protrusions on the body surface) for locomotion


d. Tomato wilt is a viral disease.

Ans: True.

Explanation: Tomato wilt is a disease caused by plant virus (Tomato spotted wilt virus). Hence, it is classified as a viral disease.

5. Give answers.

a. State the merits of Whittaker’s method of classification.

Ans: Merits of Whittaker’s classification:

(i) It is the most widely accepted system of classification as it considers the phylogenetic placing of different groups of living organisms.

(ii) Separation of Monera (Prokaryotes) as an independent kingdom is justified as they differ from all other organisms in cellular, genetic, reproductive and physiological organization.

(iii) Unicellular eukaryotes are the intermediate forms of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They have characteristics of both plants and animals. Separation of unicellular eukaryotes into kingdom Protista is one of the highlights of this system of classification.

(iv) Kingdom Animalia became more homogeneous due to separation of protozoans.

(v) Earlier classification systems included bacteria, blue green algae, fungi, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and the angiosperms under plants. The common characteristic that unified the entire kingdom was the presence of a cell wall. Green plants have cellulose cell walls whereas fungi have chitin in their cell walls and they lack chloroplast. When such characteristics were considered, fungi were separated into the kingdom Fungi.

(vi) It has tried to establish phylogenetic relationships even amongst the primitive forms.


b. Write the characteristics of viruses.


(i) Viruses are said to be the organisms at the edge of living and nonliving. Generally viruses are not considered as living organisms.

(ii) Size of viruses ranges from approximately 10 nm to 100 nm. They can be seen only with an electron microscope. Viruses are 10 to 100 times smaller than bacteria.

(iii) Viruses are independent particles made up of a long molecule of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) or RNA (Ribonucleic acid) covered by a protein coat.

(iv) Viruses infect only living plant or animal cells and produce their own proteins with the help of the host cell and replicate inside the host cell. After this, they destroy the host cell and further infect new cells.

(v) Viruses cause many diseases to plants and animals.

e.g. In plants – Tomato spotted wilt virus, Tobacco mosaic virus; In humans – Polio virus, Influenza virus, HIV; In cattles Picornavirus; In bacteria – Bacteriophages.


c. Explain the nutrition in fungi.


(i) Fungi are non-green, heterotrophic organisms. Due to the absence of chlorophyll they cannot synthesize their own food by photosynthesis.

(ii) They rely solely on nutrients obtained from other organisms for their nutrition.

(iii) They secrete enzymes at the surface to which they are attached. These enzymes help in digestion of food into simpler molecules that can be absorbed as nutrients by the fungal cells.

(iv) Fungi feed on dead decaying organic matter and absorb nutrients thus, have a saprotrophic mode of nutrition.


d. Which living organisms are included in the kingdom monera?


(i) Organisms included in kingdom Monera are unicellular and microscopic prokaryotes. 

(ii) They include all types of bacteria and blue green algae.

(iii) For example: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Clostridium tetani, Treponema pallidum, Vibrio cholerae, Legionella pneumophila, Salmonella typhi, Clostridium botulinum, Staphylococcus, aureus, etc.

6. Who am I ?

a. I don’t have true nucleus, cell organelles or plasma membrane.

Ans: Virus


b. I have nucleus and membrane bound cell orgenelles.

Ans: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia


c. I live on decaying organic matter.

Ans: Fungi


d. I reproduce mainly by cell division.

Ans: Prokaryotes (bacteria) and protozoa


e. I can produce my replica.

Ans: Virus


f. I am green, but don’t have organs.

Ans: Algae

7. Draw neat and labelled diagrams.

a. Different types of bacteria.


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b. Paramoecium


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c. Bacteriophage.


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8. Arrange the following in ascending order of size Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Algae.

Ans: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Algae.