Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. 

Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying

This quote emphasizes the importance of persistence and resilience in achieving and maintaining success. Success is not just about a single moment of triumph but about consistently putting in the effort and persevering through challenges. Those who achieve success are not necessarily the most talented or the luckiest but those who keep trying, learning from their failures, and pushing forward.


Consider the story of Thomas Edison, who famously failed thousands of times before inventing the practical electric light bulb. Each failure was a step closer to success, teaching him valuable lessons and bringing him closer to his goal. Edison’s relentless determination and unwavering belief in his vision exemplify the essence of this quote. He didn’t let failure deter him; instead, he saw each setback as an opportunity to learn and improve.


In our own lives, we often face obstacles that can make us doubt our abilities and goals. However, if we adopt a mindset of perseverance and keep striving, we increase our chances of success. Success is not about never falling but about rising every time we fall. By embracing the journey, learning from our experiences, and never giving up, we can achieve great things and inspire others to do the same. Keep trying, keep pushing, and remember that every effort brings you closer to your dreams.

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