Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great

This quote, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great,” emphasizes the importance of taking risks and making sacrifices to achieve greater success and fulfillment. It suggests that settling for something merely good can prevent you from reaching something extraordinary.


Imagine you’re working a stable job that you find reasonably satisfying. It’s a good job with decent pay, but deep down, you aspire to start your own business in a field you’re passionate about. The security of your current job is comforting, but it’s not where your true potential lies. To pursue your dream, you might need to leave the comfort of your steady income and step into the uncertainty of entrepreneurship.


Consider the story of Steve Jobs. He co-founded Apple, but later in life, he faced the tough decision of leaving the company to start NeXT. Although Apple was already successful, Jobs wasn’t satisfied. His willingness to give up something good led to the creation of NeXT, which eventually contributed to Apple’s resurgence when the company acquired it and brought Jobs back as CEO. His vision and persistence transformed Apple into one of the most influential companies in the world.


This quote encourages you to be bold and pursue your highest aspirations. Remember, it’s often the courageous decisions that lead to the most significant achievements. Embrace the possibility of the great, and don’t let the comfort of the good hold you back.

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