Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 13 – Let's Wait ….!

Things to do

1. Read the monologue aloud with proper intonation.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

2. Present the monologue/a part of it in the classroom.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

3. Answer the following questions:

(a) Where does the girl plan to go? 

Ans: The girl plans to go to interesting places like mountains and forests, in a desert and also at the North Pole.


(b) Can a little girl go to such faraway places on her own?

Ans: No, a little girl cannot go to such faraway places on her own.


(c) Is the girl still sad at the end? 

Ans: No, she is not sad at the end.


(d) Does the girl love her little sister?

Ans: Yes, the girl loves her little sister.

4. Write the things (any three) that make you – 

(a) sad 


When someone scolds me.

When I do not get to play.

When I miss my favorite cartoon show.


(b) angry 


When I get scolded for no fault of my own.

When my friend cheats on me when playing.

When someone beats my best friend.


(c) happy


When we have vacations.

When we go for a picnic.

When we are with our grandparents.

5. What do you feel when you are angry or sad? Write down your thoughts.

Ans: When I am angry, I feel very sad and upset. I do not like to talk with anyone.
When I am sad, I do not feel good. When someone makes me sad, I choose to keep quiet and not talk with anybody for some time.

6. What do you feel when you are happy? Write down your thoughts.

Ans: When I feel happy, I smile a lot and feel like dancing. I feel like I am the luckiest person ever. I also eat a lot of chocolates, and I am thankful to God for giving me this happiness.