Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 8 – A Honey Bee Speaks

merchandise: goods or things for sale. 

trade: give in return for something, sell.

strolled: walked here and there, without hurrying.

sprang up: developed or began to blow suddenly. 

blaze: burn strongly.

afloat: floating

all the strength that he could muster: all the strength that he could use at that time. 

inland: towards an area of land away from the seashore. 

grooms: persons who take care of horses.

quay: a platform in a port or harbour where boats come to load or unload their luggage. 

cargo: load of goods or things carried in a ship (or an aeroplane).

Things to do

1. Answer the following questions:

(a) Why is the bee called a busy bee?

Ans: The bee is called a busy bee because it is hard at work the whole day


(b) What work do young bees do?

Ans: Young bees look after the Lava they feel and protect them. 


(c) What do the older bees do?

Ans: The older bees fly out of the comb and gather nectar and pollen. 


(d) What weapon does the bee have?

Ans: The bee has its sting as a weapon. 


(e) When does the bee use its weapon?

Ans: The bees use its weapon when anyone comes near the comb to disturb it. 

2. Find the meaning of the following from the lesson:


Ans: a big house made by bees.



Ans: a material for building honeycomb. 



Ans: the sweet juice in flowers. 



Ans: yellow powder stuff on flowers. 


Then put these words in alphabetical order.

Ans: beeswax, honeycomb, nectar, pollen. 

3. Present a part of the monologue in the classroom. (5-10 lines)

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

4. We use the words ‘busy as a bee’ to describe a person who keeps working happily all the time. What qualities do you think of when you think of the following animals:


Ans: Lions are really strong and brave, like kings of the animal world!



Ans: Elephants are big and kind. They use their trunks to reach for food and even give themselves a shower.



Ans: Ants are super hardworking. They work together to build tiny homes and find food.



Ans: Foxes are clever and sometimes a bit sneaky. They use their intelligence to find food and stay safe.



Ans: Tortoises are slow and patient creatures. They take their time to move around and explore.



Ans: Monkeys are playful and curious. They swing from trees and have fun exploring their homes.



Ans: Butterflies are colorful and move gracefully through the air. They flutter around flowers, bringing beauty.



Ans: Cows are gentle animals and give us milk that we drink. They’re like big, peaceful friends on the farm.



Ans: Horses are fast runners and they can carry people. They help us travel and do many things.

5. Find out what a beehive is.

Ans: A beehive is a special home for bees. Imagine it like a cozy house where bees live together, just like a big family. Bees are tiny, busy insects that collect nectar from flowers and turn it into sweet honey. In the beehive, bees work together to build honeycombs, which are like small rooms made of wax. They store honey and pollen there. The queen bee, like a special leader, lays eggs, and worker bees take care of the hive and go out to find food. So, a beehive is like a buzzing, sweet factory where bees live, make honey, and help plants grow by pollinating flowers.

6. Draw a picture of honeycomb cells.


Honeycomb Step 10 Unit 1 – Lesson 8 – A Honey Bee Speaks