Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 5 – The Story of Sindbad the Sailor

merchandise: goods or things for sale. 

trade: give in return for something, sell.

strolled: walked here and there, without hurrying.

sprang up: developed or began to blow suddenly. 

blaze: burn strongly.

afloat: floating

all the strength that he could muster: all the strength that he could use at that time. 

inland: towards an area of land away from the seashore. 

grooms: persons who take care of horses.

quay: a platform in a port or harbour where boats come to load or unload their luggage. 

cargo: load of goods or things carried in a ship (or an aeroplane).

Things to do

1. Write at least one or two lines about the following with the help of the story. 

(a) Sindbad

Ans: Sindbad was a famous sailor who lived in Baghdad. He was honest, generous, and brave. He had many adventures on each of his voyages. He never lost heart or hope in dangerous situations. He overcame great dangers and returned home safely from each of his voyages.


(b) The sea-monster 

Ans: The sea monster was so huge that it appeared as an island. Most of its body was under water. When the sailors unknowingly went to picnic on the sea monster’s back and set fire to cook a meal, it began to move and plunged deep into the sea.


(c) The King of the island

Ans: The king of the island was kind-hearted and generous. When Sindbad had no place to go, he asked Sindbad to stay with him. He also asked him to work as an officer of the king at the port. He gave Sindbad many valuable gifts when he left the island.

2. Imagine what the people there might have said on the following occasions. Write it down. You may write it in one or two lines or you may write a long speech, if you like.

(a) People on the ship saw a small island at a distance. 

Ans: Oh! What a beautiful island to see after a long sea journey!. Let’s spend some time and relax here before going ahead.


(b) The island began to shake and move.

Ans: My God! What’s wrong? Why is this island shaking and moving? Is it an earthquake? Let’s run to safety. Help ! Help !


(c) Some people managed to climb aboard the ship.

Ans: My God! What a relief! We didn’t realize it was not an island but a sea monster. Thank God! We escaped, but a few of our friends could not. May God help them.


(d) The grooms saw Sindbad on the shore.

Ans: The person looks like a lost traveller and seems exhausted and hungry. He may be having some difficulty. Let’s give him something to eat and then take him to the king. The King may help him out.


(e) The Captain of the ship recognised Sindbad.

Ans: Thank God! Sindbad, you are alive. I’m very happy to see you again. We missed you very much. We thought that you had drowned in the sea. Now, you can have all your merchandise.


(f) Sindbad said goodbye to the King.

Ans: Goodbye Sindbad! I wish you all the best for your future voyages and hope to see you again in the future.

3. Use the letters in the following words to make new and meaningful words. (At least 5 each.)

Example: island 

is, in, land, and, sand, lid.


(a) merchandise 







(b) immediately 







(c) exhausted 







(d) valuable 







(e) generous 






4. From the lesson, find and list all the words that begin with – 

(a) the letter ‘s’

(b) the letter ‘i’

Try to frame as many meaningful sentences as possible, using only the words listed under (a).

Now try to frame a meaningful sentence using only the words listed under (b). Is it possible to frame a sentence?

Ans: Students should do this activity on their own.

5. Try to find more information about merchant ships, ports and how the cargo is loaded or unloaded from ships today.

Ans: Students should do this on their own.