Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 1 – A Pretty Game

fickle: something that changes quickly, suddenly 

chase: run after somebody to catch that person. 

spanned: spread from one end to the other.

Things to do

1. Read the poem aloud.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.


2. How do you play hide and seek? Tell it in short.

Ans: We all friends gather for hide and seek. One friend shuts eyes, counts to ten. While they count, everyone hides. The person who’s found first gets a turn to count next. Sneak, hide, and laugh together! It’s a game full of surprises and joy.


3. Name any five other games that you play and enjoy.

Ans: I enjoy playing badminton, snake and ladder, carrom, football and cricket.


4. Copy the names of the colours of the rainbow given below.

    • violet
    • indigo
    • blue
    • green
    • yellow
    • orange
    • red


5. Draw a picture of a rainbow.


rainbow Unit 1 – Lesson 1 – A Pretty Game

6. Write other words related to 

(a) weather

Ans: sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, stormy, snowy, hot, cold, humid.


(b) sky

Ans: blue, clouds, stars, moon, sun, rainbow, birds, aeroplane.