Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 8 – Our Need for Water

A. What’s the solution?

In summer, animals have to wander around in search of water. You have to provide water for these thirsty animals

Ans: We should place a bucket of water on the road near the doorstep or near the gate of our home for thirsty animals.

B. Think and tell!

(1) In summer, why do we eat plenty of fruits like watermelons and cucumbers?

Ans: Fruits like watermelons and cucumbers have high water content, so during the summer, these fruits help us keep hydrated.


(2) Watch how a pumpkin is cooked. Where does all the water in which it cooks come from?

Ans: Pumpkin itself contains some amount of water, so when it is cooked, the water gets released from it. 

C. Answer in brief.

(1) In which different forms is water present in our bodies ?
Ans: Tears, saliva, water running from the nose, and blood are different forms of water present in our bodies.


(2) Why do we drink water?
Ans: We need enough water in our bodies. When there is a lack of water in our body, we feel thirsty, so we drink water.


(3) Why do cows, buffaloes and goats come to the source of water?
Ans: Cows, buffaloes, and goats come to the source of water to drink it.


(4) How do we know that water is present in plants?
Ans: When we don’t water the plants, they slowly dry up. Hence, a fresh and green plant shows that water is present in it.


(5) Why is farming not possible without enough water?
Ans: Crops need lots of water. If they do not get enough water, they will die. Hence, farming is not possible without enough water.


(6) Why do big cities need more water?
Ans: The population in cities is greater, as are the businesses and industries. Hence, big cities need more water.


(7) From where do the plants in forests get water?
Ans: Plants in forests get water from rain and they also absorb water from soil.

D. Fill in the blanks with words from the brackets.

(bathe, keep, important, thin, seeped, wild)


(1) Water keeps the blood ______

Ans: thin


(2) Animals ______ in water. 

Ans: bathe


(3) People take care to provide drinking water for the animals they ______

Ans: keep


(4) We go near a waterhole in a forest to see ______ animals.

Ans: wild


(5) Water is very ______ in the lives of people

Ans: important 


(6) Roots of plants absorb the rainwater that has ______ into the soil.

Ans: seeped