Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Three

Lesson 25 - Changes in our Surroundings

A. What can be done?

Slices of amla are to be kept to dry in a place that receives sunlight all day.

Ans: Slices of amla are to be kept to dry in a place that receives sunlight all day because, in this way, they can be stored for a long period of time.

B. Think and tell.

a. When your shadow is very short, where is the sun in the sky?

Ans: When our shadow is very short, the sun is directly overhead in the sky.


b. What is meant by ‘crescent moon’?

Ans: The smallest shape of the moon is called ‘crescent moon’.


c. After how many days does a new moon follow another new moon?

Ans: A new moon follows another new moon almost thirty days later.


d. Make a list of flowers which bloom in the morning.

Ans: Hibiscus, morning glory, daisies, sunflowers, etc. are some flowers that bloom in the morning.

C. Observe and complete the table.

On a clear day, go to an open field near your school. Find a tall object like a pillar, a tree or a flagpole, or erect a pole in the courtyard of your school. Write your observations in the table.

IMG 20230629 195115 Lesson 25 – Changes in our Surroundings

What do you learn from these observations ? Write your conclusions under the table.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

D. Fill in the blanks.

(1) Bats are ________ animals.

Ans: nocturnal


(2) When their stomachs are full, cows and buffaloes sit in a peaceful place and ________

Ans: ruminate


(3) ________ are the first to sense the end of the night.

Ans: birds


(4) When the sun rises, its light is ________

Ans: soft

E. Answer the following questions:

(1) When do shadows become long?

Ans: Shadows become longer during the times of sunrise in the morning and sunset in the evening.


(2) What are shadows like when the sun is directly overhead?

Ans: When the sun is directly overhead, the shadow becomes very short.


(3) After the day of the new moon, for how many days does the moon grow bigger?

Ans: After the day of the new moon, the moon grows bigger for almost fifteen days.


(4) Why do bees hover around flowers?

Ans: Bees hover around flowers to collect sweet nectar from them.

F. True or false?

(1) The moon cannot be seen on the day of the new moon.

Ans: True


(2) Some living things set out to search for food after the sun has set.

Ans: True


(3) The day when the moon looks triangular is the day of the full moon.

Ans: False 


(4) Birds start chirping at dawn.

Ans: True


(5) The sun gradually shifts towards the east.

Ans: False

G. What are the following called ?

(1) The different shapes of the moon seen every day.

Ans: Phases of the moon.


(2) Animals that rest during the day and search for food at night.

Ans: Nocturnal animals.


(3) The day on which the moon is completely round.

Ans: The day of the full moon.


(4) The day on which the moon cannot be seen.

Ans: The day of the new moon.