Lesson 1 - Our Environment
A. What’s the solution ?
There are a lot of unused pages in last year’s notebooks. They must not get wasted.
Ans: All the unused and blank pages can be detached from the old notebook. One can make 3–4 smaller notebooks or one big notebook from these blank pages. One can also use these blank pages for rough work. One can also use these for drawing or painting.
B. Draw pictures.
Draw a picture of a spider’s web.
Find out why a spider weaves a web. Under the picture, write the information you get.
Ans: The web of the spider is produced from the sticky secretion prepared in the body of the spider. The prey of a spider gets caught in the web. There are some sticky substances, due to which the prey cannot escape once caught. Thus, for feeding purposes, spiders weave their webs. The spider also lays its eggs in the cocoon, which are placed in the web.

C. Think and tell.
(1) What are the uses of cotton?
Ans: Cotton is used to weave clothes and is also used to build nests for birds.
(2) What are chappals made from?
Ans: Chappals are made from animal’s skin.
(3) If there is a loud noise nearby, what will a sparrow do? What will a stone do?
Ans: Living things can move, and non-living things cannot. So if there is a loud noise nearby, the sparrow will fly away, and a stone will stay where it is.
(4) What does the house lizard eat?
Ans: The house lizard eats various kinds of insects.
(5) Make a list of the things in your house that are made of wood.
Ans: The things in our house that are made of wood are chairs, table, sofa, cupboards, beds, etc.
(6) Name the animals that feed on mice.
Ans: Cats, snakes, owls, crows, etc.
D. Fill in the blanks.
(1) The place of a stone ________ only if someone picks it up and moves it.
Ans: changes
(2) We weave ________ from cotton, wool and silk.
Ans: clothes
(3) Leaves ________ trees. They, too, rot and get mixed with the soil.
Ans: fall off
E. Answer the following questions :
(1) What are the things that we get from our environment?
Ans: We get many things from our environment such as cotton, wool and silk.
(2) What help do plants get from the environment?
Ans: The seeds of some plants are scattered by the wind. As a result, seedlings of those plants grow in new places. In this way, plants get help from their environment.
(3) What makes the soil in the forest fertile?
Ans: The remains of dead animals decay. They mix with the soil. Leaves fall from trees. They, too, rot and get mixed in the soil. This makes the soil fertile.
F. True or false?
(1) The seeds of some plants are scattered by the wind.
Ans: True
(2) Plants are non-living things.
Ans: False
(3) Sparrows grow by eating insects and food grains.
Ans: True