Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Ten

Chapter 9 - Tourism, Transport and Communication

1. State whether right or wrong with reasons.

(a) The future of tourism is bright in India due to its natural diversity.

Ans: The statement is Right


(i) Due to natural diversity, many tourists from the different parts of India as well as many foreign tourists visit different tourist places in India.

(ii) Due to tourism, many other services also grow in an economy.


(b) Tourism is an invisible trade.

Ans: The statement is Right


Tourism is tertiary occupation. In tertiary occupations visible goods are not sold and purchased, rather invisible services are sold and purchased.


(c) The indicator of development in a country is the development of transport in that country.

Ans: The statement is Right 


(i) Speedy and dense transport networks are found in developed countries. On the other hand, slow and sparse transport networks are found in underdeveloped countries.

(ii) Thus, the type of transport indicates the development in a country.


(d) Brazil’s time is ahead of India’s time.

Ans: The statement is Wrong


(i) India is located to the east of the International Date Line. Indian Standard time is 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

(ii) Brazil is located to the west of the International Date Line. The official Brazilian time is 3 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. Thus, Brazil’s time zone is 8 hours 30 minutes behind India’s time.


(e) The development of tourism in India has begun recently.

Ans: The statement is Right


(i) Though many people have been engaged in tourism for decades, only recently the tourism occupation is carried out with a professional outlook.

(ii) Nowadays, remarkable growth is seen in various types of tourism and the facilities given to tourists.

2. Answer in short

(a) Which factors attract more tourists in Brazil?

Ans: The factors which attract more tourists in Brazil are;

(i) Clean, white sand beaches

(ii) Attractive seacoasts 

(iii) Beautiful islands

(iv) Beautiful orchards

(v) Deep dense forests of Amazon 

(vi) Various birds and Animals

(vii) Cities like the new capital city of Brasilia, Rio-de- Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

(viii) Eco tourism


(b) What are the difficulties in the development of the railway system in Brazil’s internal areas?


(i) The densely forested lands of Amazon River Basin and the Swampy lands have limited the development of Railways in Brazil.

(ii) Large pockets of Brazil are unpopulated. 

(iii) Roadways are the most common mode of transportation in the Eastern part of Brazil and waterways have developed on a commercial basis in the Amazon River.

(iv) The trains are used for long distance transportation of passengers only in a few cities and by tourists. These are the difficulties in the development of the railway system in Brazil’s internal areas.


(c) Which means of communication has expedited the field of communications?


(i) Thus the expansion of more digitally enhanced communication devices like mobile phones, internet and satellites has expedited the field of communication.

(ii) More than 45% of Brazil’s population has internet access where India is one of the largest users of smartphones.

(iii) Mobile phones, telephones, television radio, computers and internet are the various means of communication in today’s modern world.

3. A plane leaves Brasilia at 11am on 31st December. The plane crosses 0° Meridian and reaches Vladivostok via New Delhi. Tell the local time, date and day at New Delhi and Vladivostok when the plane leaves Brasilia.

IMG 20230516 190342 1 Chapter 9 – Tourism, Transport and Communication


Time difference between Brasilia and GMT = 3 hours


Time at GMT = 11 am + 3 hours
∴ Time at GMT = 2.00 pm

1 Chapter 9 – Tourism, Transport and Communication
2 Chapter 9 – Tourism, Transport and Communication

Time difference between GMT and New Delhi = 5 hours 30 min


Time at New Delhi = 2 am + 5 hours 30 min
∴  Time at New Delhi = 7 hours 30 min


31st December, Sunday, 7.30 p.m.

3 Chapter 9 – Tourism, Transport and Communication

Time difference between New Delhi and Vladivostok = 4 hours 30 min

Time at Vladivostok = 7.30 pm + 4 hours 30 min
∴ Time at Vladivostok = 12.00 am

4 2 Chapter 9 – Tourism, Transport and Communication
The local time, date, and day in Delhi are 7.30 pm on December 31st, Sunday, and the local time, date, and day in Vladivostok are 12 am on January 1st, Monday.

4. Match the columns.

‘A’ Group ‘B’ Group
(a) Trans-Amazonian Highway
(i) Tourist Place
(b) Road Transport
(ii) Railway Station in India
(c) Rio de Janeiro
(iii) Golden Quadrilateral
(d) Manmad
(iv) Major Highways
(v) 40° W. Meridian


‘A’ Group ‘B’ Group
(a) Trans-Amazonian Highway
(iv) Major Highways
(b) Road Transport
(iii) Golden Quadrilateral
(c) Rio de Janeiro
(i) Tourist Place
(d) Manmad
(ii) Railway Station in India

5. Give geographical reasons.

(a) Eco-tourism is being developed more in Brazil.


(i) Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment.

(ii) Brazil has the largest number of vegetation species in the world including Amazon, the largest rainforest of the world and a great diversity of wildlife.

(iii) It has clean white sand beaches, attractive seacoasts, beautiful islands and orchards.

(iv) Looking at the sensitivity of the natural resources in Brazil, Eco tourism is being developed here.


(b) The waterways are not developed in Brazil.


(i) Waterways have been developed on a commercial basis in the second largest river of the world, the Amazon River.

(ii) Boats ply from Equator in Peru to the mouth of the River Amazon. River Amazon has the longest navigational stretch of around 3700 km. 

(iii) The south-flowing Parana River is also an important waterway.

(iv) There are about 15 seaports along the coast and the port of Manaus has been developed on the confluence of the Negro and the Amazon.

(v) Coastal shipping is also carried out in the coastal areas.

(vi) Thus, the waterways are not developed in Brazil.


(c) A dense network of railways has developed in the north Indian plains.


(i) Railway is a cheap and speedy mode of transport as compared to other modes of transport.

(ii) The North Indian Plains have a vast leveled land which is ideal for railways.

(iii) This region has high population density, is rich in agriculture and industries.

(iv) This makes it suitable for transportation of people and freight.

(v) So a dense network of railways has developed in the north Indian plains.


(d) Development of transport is important for country’s progress.


(i) Transport is the movement of humans, animals and goods from one location to another. 

(ii) Transport enables social, economic and cultural development of the country. 

(iii) Road transport facilities door-to-door service.

(iv) Rail transport is suitable for long distance and bulky goods.

(v) Water transport plays an important role in international trade and is suitable for bulky goods. 

(vi) Air transport provides the fastest means of transportation.


(e) We rely on the sea route for international trade.


(i) Waterways are the cheapest mode of transportation for bulky and perishable goods over long distances. 

(ii) Waterways are a natural mode of transportation and do not require any special infrastructure and maintenance.

(iii) India is surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean, therefore we have a long coastline.

(iv) So we rely on the sea route for international trade.

6. Differentiate between.

(a) Water transport in the Amazon and the Ganga river.


Water transport in the Amazon River Water Transport in the Ganga River
(i) River Amazon is navigable throughout its course due to its gentle slope.
(i) River Ganga is navigable only in its middle and lower course which is gentler as compared to its upper course.
(ii) Boats ply from Equitos in Peru to its mouth i.e. approx 3700 km.
(ii) Boats ply from Allahabad to Haldia. i.e. approx 1620 km.
(iii) River Amazon is used for navigation between Brazil and neighbouring countries.
(iii) River Ganga is used for inland transportation.

(b) Communication in Brazil and India


Development of Communication in Brazil Development of Communication in India
(i) Telecommunication services in Brazil are well developed and efficient.
(i) With the explosion of electronic media, telecommunication industry has become one of the fast growing sectors.
(ii) Brazil is developing technology to send domestically-made satellites into space with its own rockets.
(ii) With development of our own satellites, India has come a long way in this field.
(iii) In Brazil, nearly more than 45 percent of the total population has access to the internet.
(iii) Though India is one of the largest users of the internet in the world, only 30 per cent of the total population has access to the internet.

(c) IST and BRT 


(i) IST is the Indian Standard Time or India Time.
(i) BRT is the Brasilia Time/Brazil Time (Standard Time)
(ii) India has only one standard time zone.
(ii) Brazil has four time zones.
(iii) The official IST is 82.5⁰ E longitude which passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.
(iii) The official BRT is GMT-03 which passes through Brazilia, the national capital city.
(iv) IST is 5 hrs 30 mins ahead of Greenwich Meridian Time as India is in the eastern hemisphere
(iv) BRT is 2,3,4, or 5 hours behind Greenwich Meridian Time as Brazil is in the western hemisphere.

7. Write notes on.

(a) Modern means of communication 


(i) With the explosion of electronic media, the telecom industry has become one of the fast growing sectors.

(ii) In this era of information and communication technology, digitally enhanced communication devices like mobile phones, smart phones, internet and satellites are being used.

(iii) Modern means of communication have made it possible to transmit printed messages, pictures, video calling, video-conferencing and even live performances to all corners of the world with speed.


(b) Air transport in India


(i) Air transport is more developed in India as compared to Brazil.

(ii) The use of internal airways is also increasing.

(iii) Important airports from where domestic and foreign travel can be conducted in India are Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru etc.


(c) Correlation between physiographic and internal waterways 


(i) Waterways are the cheapest means of transportation.

(ii) For inland waterways it requires rivers and canals with gentle slope and sufficient depth.

(iii) So the lower course of River Ganga is used for inland waterways.

(iv) River Amazon is navigable throughout its course due to its gentle slope.

(v) Whereas rivers such as the Godavari, Krishna are not good for internal waterways because the waters in them are shallow and they flow through steep slopes.


(d) Importance of Standard Time


(i) Standard Time is the official time and is commonly accepted all over the country or region.
(ii) The importance of Standard Time is greatest if the country has a vast longitudinal extent, since there will be a great difference between the time of its places located in the eastern and western parts.
(iii) It helps in making proper schedules for travel, business meetings, coordinating the functioning of various organizations, etc.
(iv) Thus, standard time helps in avoiding confusion regarding day, date, and time.