Chapter Test

Chapter 8 - Economy and Occupations

Time - 30 Minutes

Marks - 10

1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3. Marks are included against each question.

1. Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement. (2 marks)

(1) The economies of India and Brazil are of the _______ type.

(i) Undeveloped

(ii) Developed

(iii) Developing

(iv) Highly developed


(2) India’s per capita income is less than Brazil due to _______.

(i) Low national income

(ii) Massive Population

(iii) Big family size

(iv) Low foodgrain production

2. Give geographical reasons: (Any 1) (2 marks)

(1) There is mixed economy in Brazil and India.

(2) Per capita land availability is more in Brazil as compared to India.

3. Answer in brief. (Any 2) (6 marks)

(1) What are the similarities in the fishing activities in Brazil and India?

(2) Why has mining not developed in the western part of Brazil?

(3) Compare the fishing activities in Brazil and India?