Chapter 7 - Human Settlements
Time - 30 Minutes
Marks - 10
1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3. Marks are included against each question.
1. Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement. (2 marks)
(1) In North-eastern part of Brazil, which types of settlements are found?
(i) Nucleated
(ii) Linear
(iii) Dispersed
(iv) Star-shaped
(2) The concentration of settlements is related to following major factor
(i) Proximity to Sea
(ii) Plain region
(iii) Availability of water
(iv) Climate
2. Give geographical reasons: (Any 1) (2 marks)
(1) Availability of water is a major factor affecting settlements.
(2) Settlements are sparse in north-eastern Brazil.
3. Answer in brief. (Any 2) (6 marks)
(1) Why do human settlements grow in specific locations only?
(2) Write a comparative note on urbanisation in Brazil and India.
(3) Why is urbanization increasing rapidly in India?