Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Ten

Chapter 7 - Human Settlements

Q 1. Tick (✓) the correct options : 

(a) The concentration of settlements is related to following major factor 

(i) Proximity to Sea 

(ii) Plain region 

(iii) Availability of water 

(iv) Climate 

Ans: Option (iii) – Availability of water


(b) In North-eastern part of Brazil, which types of settlements are found? 

(i) Nucleated 

(ii) Linear 

(iii) Dispersed 

(iv) Star-shaped 

Ans: Option (iii) – Dispersed


(c) Where do you find dispersed settlements in India? 

(i) Near the rivers 

(ii) Near the transport routes 

(iii) Hilly areas 

(iv) Industrial regions 

Ans: Option (iii) – Hilly areas


(d) Concentrated settlements are found in Narmada Valley-

(i) Forested Land 

(ii) Cultivable Land 

(iii) Undulating topography 

(iv) Industries 

Ans: Option (ii) – Cultivable Land


(e) Which State has the least urbanization in Brazil ? 

(i) Para 

(ii) Amapa 

(iii) Espirito Santo 

(iv) Parana 

Ans: Option (i) – Para

Q 2. Give geographical reasons: 

(a) Availability of water is a major factor affecting settlements.


(i) The human settlements in a particular place depends on factors like the physical geography (climate, availability of water, topography of the land) availability of economic opportunities, transport facilities, government policies etc.

(ii) Of all these, availability of water is a major factor affecting human settlements.

(iii) Water is required for survival of living beings, for purposes like drinking, cooking, agriculture, industries etc.

(iv) The ancient settlements in Varanasi, Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Paithan developed in river basins. Thus it can be said that the prosperity of human civilization depends on availability of water.


(b) In Brazil, majority of population is found in the eastern coastal areas.


(i) The Eastern coast of Brazil has good water supply. 

(ii) The region has rich fertile soil which is most suitable for water cultivation.

(iii) Also, this region is rich in minerals like iron core and has a steady power supply.

(iv) An excellent transportation facility is also available here.

(v) For example: States like Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Espirito Santo, etc. 

(vi) Due to the above reasons, the majority of Brazil’s population is found in the eastern coastal areas.


(c) Urbanization is increasing rapidly in India.


(i) In India, there has been growing industrialisation, leading to availability of jobs in urban areas. 

(ii) Urban areas have better facilities and amenities like water supply, electricity, health, education etc. 

(iii) There is increasing migration of people from rural areas to urban areas. 

(iv) Emergence of new towns has further helped urbanisation.

(v) So urbanisation is increasing rapidly in India.


(d) Settlements are sparse in north-eastern Brazil.


(i) The thick equatorial rainforest zones are in the north-east.

(ii) The climate here is unhealthy and unfit for settlement. 

(iii) There are limitations on use and exploitation of natural resources. 

(iv) Transport facilities are very poor in the region due to poor infrastructural facilities.

(v) In North-East Brazil lies the ‘Drought Quarilateral’ which has poor rainfall and lacks any kind of cultivation. 

(vi) So, settlements are sparse in north eastern Brazil.


(e) Except Delhi and Chandigarh, urbanization is low in other parts of India.


(i) Delhi and Chandigarh are Union Territories lying in the flat Northern Plains of India. 

(ii) Delhi is the capital of India and has an ancient history of urbanisation. 

(iii) Chandigarh is one of the most well planned cities known internationally for its architecture. 

(iv) Both Delhi and Chandigarh have good water supply due to rivers like Yamuna and many water bodies.

(v) As compared to the other cities in North India, both the cities have well developed infrastructure, industries and employment opportunities. 

(vi) Hence, except Delhi and Chandigarh, urbanisation is low in other parts of India.

Q 3. Answer in short: 

(a) Write a comparative note on urbanisation in Brazil and India.


Urbanisation in India Urbanisation in Brazil

(i) Growth of urbanisation in India has been slow, e.g., from 18% in 1961 to 31.2% in 2011.

(i) Growth of urbanisation in Brazil has been rapid, e.g., from 47.1% in 1960 to 84.6% in 2010.

(ii) Urbanisation has been more in the southern part than the Northern part.

(ii) Urbanisation has been more in the coastal states than the states in the interior.

(iii) Nucleated settlements are found in paddy lands of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Plateau region of Narmada, etc.

(iii) Nucleated settlements are found in the East coastal region.

(iv) Dispersed settlements are found in Himalayan slopes, deserts of Rajasthan, tribal parts of central India etc.

(iv) Dispersed settlements are found in Amazon valley, Pantanal region.

(v) Most urbanised cities and states are Goa (62%), Delhi (80%), Chandigarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu.

(v) Most urbanised regions are Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Manaus.

(vi) Least urbanised states are Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Odisha, Central India, North East India.

(vi) Least urbanised states are Para, Maranhao, Piaui, Acre, Rondonia.

(b) Differentiate between the human settlements in Ganga river basin and the Amazon river basin.


Human settlements in the Ganga river basin Human settlements in the Amazon river basin

(i) Nucleated settlements are found in Ganga River Basin.

(i) Dispersed settlements are found in this region.

(ii) River Ganga flows in Northern India and the soil deposited by Ganga and tributaries its tribal found has helped the Northern Plains.

(ii) The Amazon River Basin is to the north of Brazil and is its largest river basin.

(iii) There is ample water, fertile soil, favourable climate in the Ganga River Basin.

(iii) It receives around 2000mm rainfall. There is an extremely unhealthy climate, inaccessibility, etc.

(iv) Ganga River Basin is suitable for human settlement.

(iv) The Amazon River Basin is unsuitable for human settlement.

(v) The above conditions have helped flourish agriculture and other industries resulting in huge employment opportunities.

(v) Due to dense evergreen forests, there are restrictions on the use of natural resources, which has affected economic development.

(c) Why do human settlements grow in specific locations only?


(i) Human settlements in specific locations depend on various factors like climate, availability of water, topography, level of employment and the development.

(ii) In India nucleated human settlements are found in the Ganga River Basin of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, because of the flat fertile plains, abundance of water, favourable climate and growth of agriculture and industries.

(iii) Dispersed settlements are found in Himalayan slopes, eastern and southern Rajasthan because of uneven topography, unfavourable climate and lack of development.

(iv) In Brazil, nucleated settlements are found in Sao Paulo, Southern Coastal Brazil, due to nearness to the oceans, fertile soil, availability of natural minerals line iron ore, steady power supply and good transportation system.

(v) Dispersed settlements are found in Northern Brazil due to the inaccessible forests in Amazon River Basin, unhealthy climate, limitations on use of natural resources and poor transport connectivity. Scattered settlements are also found in the drought region of Caatinga.