Chapter Test

Chapter 5 - Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Time - 30 Minutes

Marks - 10

1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3. Marks are included against each question.

1. Identify the odd man out: (1 mark)

Forest type of Brazil –

(a) thorny bush type vegetation

(b) evergreen forests

(c) the Himalayan Forests

(d) Deciduous forests

2. Match the columns: (1 mark)

(A) (B)

(a) Himalayan Forests

(i) Teak

(b) Deciduous Forests

(ii) Khejadi

(iii) Pine 

3. Give geographical reasons: (Any 1) (2 marks)

(1) Wildlife in India is decreasing day by day.

(2) The northern part of Brazil is covered by dense forests.

4. Answer in brief. (Any 2) (6 marks)

(1) What are the major causes of degradation of forest in Brazil and India?

(2) What environmental issues are faced by Brazil and India?

(3) Differentiate between the forest types of Brazil and India.