Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Six

Chapter 9 - Ancient Kingdoms of the South

1. Can you tell?

(1) Whose name did the Satavahana kings write before their own?

Ans: Some of the Satavahana kings were known to write their mother’s name before their own.


(2) The ancient name of Kolhapur.

Ans: The ancient name of Kolhapur was Kuntal.


2. Complete the table by reading the map in the lesson.

Pallav Kanchi
Aihole, Badami, Pattadakal


Pallav Kanchi
Aihole, Badami, Pattadakal
Ajanta, Ellora, Nashik, Bhokardan

3. Tabulate the following names as dynasties and their capitals :

Satavahana, Pandya, Chalukya, Vakataka, Pallava, Madurai, Pratishthan, Kanchipuram, Vatapi

S.No. Dynasty Capital


S.No. Dynasty Capital

4. Observe any three picture in the lesson and write in your own words what you learn from them.

9104 Chapter 9 - Ancient Kingdoms of the South

1. A Satvahana coin with a ship’s image

This is a coin having the image of a ship carved in it. It belonged to the Satavahana dynasty, a kingdom of the south. The image of the ship tells us about the trade and commerce of that period. Ships were into use for export and import from that period. The coins are extremely valuable which gives us an idea about the economy of the dynasty. It also tells us about the perfection of art done by the people.

images Chapter 9 - Ancient Kingdoms of the South

2. Bodhisattva Padmapani - Ajanta

This is a painting at the Ajanta caves which belonged to the Vakataka dynasty. It tells us about the religious beliefs of that time. Varahdev, who was the minister of the Vaktaka king, was a follower of Buddhism. This painting was of Bodhisattva Padmapani. Bodhisattva was a person who has risen above the cycles of death and birth and reached nirvana. We get to learn about the strong beliefs and dedication Buddhist people had during the Vatakata rule.

Chapter 9 - Ancient Kingdoms of the South

3. A cave at Ajanta

The caves at Ajanta which belonged to the Vakataka dynasty are true examples of the fine art and architecture of those times. They are unique beautiful cave sites, influenced by various art forms, which express a lot about the various elements of Buddhist culture. We learn a lot about the religious and cultural practices of the Vakataka dynasty.

5. Answer in one sentence.

(1) Name the ancient dynasties of Southern India.

Ans: The Cher, Pandya and Chola dynasty were the ancient dynasties of Southern India.


(2) After the decline of the Maurya Empire which local kings became independent?

Ans: After the decline of the Maurya Empire, the local kings in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka became independent.


6. Answer in brief.

(1) Write about the achievements of Mahendravarman.

Ans: Mahendra Varman was an able Pallava ruler. He expanded the Pallava kingdom. He was also a playwright. His son Narasimhavarman repulsed the attack on his kingdom by the Chalukya king, Pulakeshi II. The famous ‘ratha’ temples of Mahabalipuram were sculpted during his reign. These temples have been sculpted in single rock.


(2) What is meant by ‘Tri-samudra-toya-peet-vahana’.

Ans: Tri-samudra-toya-peet-vahana means ‘one whose houses have drunk the water of three seas’. It simply means to describe the one whose kingdom is so vast that it extends to the three seas, i.e. Arabian sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.


(3) What goods were exported from the Muziris port?

Ans: From the Muziris port goods like spices, pearls, precious stones etc. were exported.