Chapter 6 - Importance of Oceans
(A) Find the odd man out.
(1) Shell, fish, crab, ship
Ans: Ship
(2) Arabian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Dead Sea, Caspian Sea
Ans: Dead Sea
(3) Sri Lanka, India, Norway, Peru
Ans: Peru
(4) Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Bay of Bengal
Ans: Bay of Bengal
(5) Natural gas, salt, gold, manganese
Ans: Salt
(B) Write the answers.
(1) Which items does man get from the oceans?
Ans: We obtain salt, fish, shells and minerals like iron, lead, cobalt, sodium, manganese, chromium, zinc, etc. from the oceans. We also get mineral oil and natural gas. Precious items like pearls, corals or ornamental items like shells, and also medicinal plants are obtained from the oceans.
(2) Why is it economic to carry out transport by waterways?
Ans: Oceans provides us the most economic option of transportation since ocean currents accelerate the speed of ships and also save fuel to a considerable extent.
(3) Why is there a difference in the climates of regions close to the oceans and regions far away from the oceans?
Ans: The difference in the climates occurs because of the mixing of vapour released through evaporation of water from oceans into the air. The vapour in the air absorbs and stores the heat released from the land. Hence, the temperature in coastal areas remains equable. On the other hand, regions far away from the oceans contain an extremely small amount of water vapour. As a result, the air remains dry. Hence, the climate is extreme in regions far away from the oceans.
(4) Which continents are located along the coast of the Pacific Ocean?
Ans: The continents located along the coast of the Pacific Ocean are North America, South America, Asia, and Australia.