Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Six


  • footsore – having painful feet from much walking
  • gibberish – speech or writing that is meaningless
  • larder – a cool room in a house where food is stored
  • tempting – appealing, attractive, inviting
  • speechless – not knowing what to say
  • generosity – giving in plenty
  • marvellous – extremely good or pleasing
  • noble – having high moral principles
  • hard of hearing – not able to hear well
  • charity begins at home – a person’s first responsibility is to look after the needs of their own family and friends


1. Answer the following questions :

(a) Where does the story take place ?
Ans: The story takes place in a village.

(b) List the characters in the play and write one or two lines about each.

(i) Motiram
Ans: He is a farmer. He had a good produce of crops. He does not want to advertise because he is afraid he would have guests at home and would have to share with them.

(ii) Sonabai
Ans: She too had a good production. She too, like Motiram, did not want to advertise because she does not like to have guests.

(iii) Hirabai
Ans: She, too, feels that guests are pests. She hates to give food and money to others.

(iv) Rupabai
Ans: She thinks a little differently. She feels it is not right to refuse someone who comes for help.

(v) Traveller
Ans: He is a traveller who has travelled a long distance and is tired and hungry. He hears the conversation of the villagers and comes to know that they are miserly. In the end, he makes everyone contribute a little towards making the soup.

(c) How do the following avoid giving anything to the traveller? (Answer in one or two lines each.)

(i) Motiram
Ans: He tells the traveller that dinner was over and nothing was left. He tells the traveller to try elsewhere.

(ii) Sonabai
Ans: She pretended to be hard of hearing, which eventually made the traveller try elsewhere.

(iii) Hirabai
Ans: She pretended not to understand the traveller’s language and spoke gibberish (nonsense), which made the traveller try somewhere else.

(iv) Rupabai
Ans: She told the traveller that she too was very hungry because she had not made anything and her larder was empty.

(d) Find what Hirabai tells the traveller by reading her words from right to left.
Og yawa. On doof dna on tser rof enoyna ereh.

Ans: Go away. No food and no rest for anyone here.

(e) Apart from the stone, how many things go into the soup?

Ans: Apart from the stone, water, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, beans, onions, ginger, salt and pepper go into making the soup.

(f) Does the traveller really have a magic stone ?
Ans: No, the traveller does not have a magic stone, but he uses the stone to make the miserly villagers believe that the stone was magical.

2. On any one page, note against the speech of every character, what feelings it should show to bring out the meaning best.

For example, joy, fear, anger, nervousness, friendliness, dislike, surprise, wonder, excitement, politeness, rudeness, cunning, curiosity.

(i) Rupabai – surprise, wonder
(ii) Traveller – regret
(iii) Rupabai – cunning
(iv) Traveller – joy, expectation
(v) Rupabai – unsure
(vi) Sonabai-friendliness
(vii) Hirabai – apologetic

3. Read aloud / Enact the play.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

4. Write a recipe for the stone soup.

Ans: Recipe for the stone soup is;
A pot of water, a stone, peeled potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beans, onions, a piece of ginger, salt, pepper, and some kindness in the hearts of the people who make it.

How to make it:
(i) Drop a stone into the pot of water.
(ii) Boil the water.
(iii) Add a few peeled potatoes and stir.
(iv) Add tomatoes and plenty of carrots and stir again.
(v) Add beans, onions, ginger, and stir.
(vi) Add salt, pepper, and serve hot.

5. Form pairs. Write at least one short dialogue for each of the following expressions.

For example:
I agree. Ans: Amit : I think all schools should have big playgrounds.
Sumit : I agree !

(i) True !
Ans: Mohit : It has been raining cats and dogs.
Rohit : True!

(ii) You are right.
Ans: Sangeeta: There is a solution to every problem.
Neeta : You are right.

(iii) Why not ? (To mean that something can be done.)
Ans: William : Will I be able to complete this project all by myself?
Mother : Why not?

(iv) Thank you.
Ans: Rohini : Here are the English notes you wanted.
Sohini : Thank you

6. Find the meaning of ‘Charity begins at home’. Find other sayings which have a similar meaning.

Ans: The meaning of the proverb, ‘Charity begins at home’ is – A person’s first responsibility is to look after the needs of their own family and friends.

Saying which have a similar meaning are;
(a) Charity and beating begins at home.
(b) Home is where the heart is.
(c) Home sweet home.
(d) A home away from home.

7. List five questions from the play which can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

(a) Does it melt away?
(b) Have you guessed the secret of the stone soup?
(c) Do you think that is right?
(d) Can I have some food?
(e) Anyone at home?

8. ‘Smart Answers’ : Form a large group. Each person asks the next one a question to get him to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. He/She can use appropriate statements, requests or even other questions as a response. But if he/she says ‘yes’ or ‘no’, he/she is out. Otherwise he/she continues the game. Questions cannot be repeated.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

9. Visit a library : Find stories about hosts and guests. Share them with the class. Classify the stories into funny and serious stories.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.