Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Miscellaneous Problems : Set 2

1. Angela deposited 15000 rupees in a bank at a rate of 9 p.c.p.a. She got simple interest amounting to 5400 rupees. For how many years had she deposited the amount?


P = ₹ 15000 

R = 9 p.c.p.a 

Simple Interest = ₹ 17400


To find: 

No of years



Total interest = \(\large \frac{P\, ×\, R\, ×\, T}{100} \) 

∴ 5400 = \( \large \frac{15000\, ×\, 9\, ×\, T}{100} \) 

∴ 5400 = 150 × 9 × T

∴ 5400 = 1350 × T

∴ \( \large \frac{5400}{1350} \) = T

∴ T = 4 years


Ans: Angela had deposited the amount for 4 years.

2. Ten men take 4 days to complete the task of tarring a road. How many days would 8 men take?


10 men take 4 days to tar the road

∴ 8 men would take ? hours to tar the road


Let 8 men take x days to tar the road


The number of men and the number of days required to tar the road are in inverse proportion


∴ 8 × x = 10 x 4

∴ 8x = 40

∴ x = \(\large \frac {40}{8}\)

∴ x = 5


Ans: 8 men will require 5 days to tar the road.

3. Nasruddin and Mahesh invested ₹ 40,000 and ₹ 60,000 respectively to start a business. They made a profit of 30%. How much profit did each of them make?


Nasruddin invested for business = ₹ 40,000

Mahesh invested for business = ₹ 60,000

Profit made by them = 30%



Total amount invested by Nasruddin and Mahesh = ₹ 40,000 + ₹ 60,000

∴ Total amount invested by Nasruddin and Mahesh = Rs 1,00,000


Profit earned by them = 30%

∴ Total profit = 30% of 100000

∴ Total profit = \(\large \frac {30}{100}\) × 100000

∴ Total profit = ₹ 30000


Proportion of investment = 40000 : 60000

∴ Proportion of investment = 2 : 3 …[Dividing by 20000]


Let Nasruddin’s profit be Rs 2x and Mahesh’s profit be Rs 3x.

∴ 2x + 3x = 30000

∴ 5x = 30000

∴ x = \(\large \frac {30000}{5}\)

∴ x = 6000



Nasruddin’s profit = 2x 

∴ Nasruddin’s profit = 2 × 6000 

∴ Nasruddin’s profit = ₹ 12000


And, Mahesh’s profit = 3x = 3 × 6000 = Rs 18000

∴ Mahesh’s profit = 3 × 6000

∴ Mahesh’s profit = ₹ 18000


Ans: The profit of Nasruddin is ₹ 12000 and that of Mahesh is ₹ 18000.

4. The diameter of a circle is 5.6 cm. Find its circumference.

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Diameter of the circle  = 5.6 cm


To find:

Circumference of the circle



Circumference of the circle = πd

∴ Circumference of the circle = \(\large \frac {22}{7}\) × 5.6

∴ Circumference of the circle = 22 × 0.8

∴ Circumference of the circle = 17.6 cm


Ans: The circumference of the circle is 17.6 cm.

5. Expand.

(i) (2a – 3b)² 



a = 2a and b = 3b


We know that, 

(a – b)² = a² – 2ab + b² 


∴ (2a – 3b)² = (2a)² – 2 × 2a × 3b + (3b)²

∴ (2a – 3b)² = 4a² – 12ab + 9b²


Ans: (2a – 3b)² = 4a² – 12ab + 9b²

(ii) (10 + y)²



a = 10 and b = y


We know that, 

(a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b² 


∴ (10 – y)² = (10)² + 2 × 10 × y + (y)²

∴ (10 – y)² = 100 + 20y + y²


Ans: (10 – y)² = 100 + 20y + y²

(iii) \((\large \frac {p}{3} + \large \frac {q}{4})\)²



a = \(\large \frac {p}{3}\) and b = \(\large \frac {q}{4}\)


We know that, 

(a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b² 


∴ \((\large \frac {p}{3} + \large \frac {q}{4})\)² = (\(\large \frac {p}{3}\))² + 2 × \(\large \frac {p}{3}\) × \(\large \frac {q}{4}\) + (\(\large \frac {q}{4}\))²

∴ \((\large \frac {p}{3} + \large \frac {q}{4})\)²  = \(\large \frac {p²}{9}\) + \(\large \frac {pq}{6}\)+ \(\large \frac {q²}{16}\)


Ans: \((\large \frac {p}{3} + \large \frac {q}{4})\)² = \(\large \frac {p²}{9}\) + \(\large \frac {pq}{6}\)+ \(\large \frac {q²}{16}\)

(iv) \((y \, – \large \frac {3}{y})\)²



a = y and b = \(\large \frac {3}{y}\)


We know that, 

(a – b)² = a² – 2ab + b² 


∴ \((y \, – \large \frac {3}{y})\)² = (y)² – 2 × y × \(\large \frac {3}{y}\) + \((\large \frac {3}{y})\)²

∴ \((y \, – \large \frac {3}{y})\)² = y² – 6 + \(\large \frac {9}{y²}\)


Ans: \((y \, – \large \frac {3}{y})\)² = y² – 6 + \(\large \frac {9}{y²}\)

6. Use a formula to multiply.

(i) (x – 5) (x + 5) 


Here, a = x and b = 5


We know that, 

(a + b)(a – b) = a² – b²


∴ (x – 5) (x + 5) = x² – 5²

∴ (x – 5) (x + 5) = x² – 25


Ans: (x – 5) (x + 5) = x² – 25

(ii) (2a – 13) (2a + 13)


Here, a = 2a and b = 13


We know that, 

(a + b)(a – b) = a² – b²


∴ (2a – 13) (2a + 13) = (2a)² – 13²

∴ (2a – 13) (2a + 13) = 4a² – 169


Ans: (2a – 13) (2a + 13) = 4a² – 169

(iii) (4z – 5y) (4z + 5y) 


Here, a = 4z and b = 5y


We know that, 

(a + b)(a – b) = a² – b²


∴ (4z – 5y) (4z + 5y)  = (4z)² – (5y)²

∴ (4z – 5y) (4z + 5y)  = 16z² – 25y²


Ans: (4z – 5y) (4z + 5y)  = 16z² – 25y²

(iv) (2t – 5) (2t + 5)


Here, a = 2t and b = 5


We know that, 

(a + b)(a – b) = a² – b²


∴ (2t – 5) (2t + 5) = (2t)² – 5²

∴ (2t – 5) (2t + 5) = 4t² – 25


Ans: (2t – 5) (2t + 5) = 4t² – 25

7. The diameter of the wheel of a cart is 1.05 m. How much distance will the cart cover in 1000 rotations of the wheel?

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Diameter of the wheel = 1.05 m

No of rotations = 1000


To find:

Distance covered by cart in 1000 rotations



Distance covered by cart in 1 rotation = Circumference of the wheel

∴ Distance covered by cart in 1 rotation = πd

∴ Distance covered by cart in 1 rotation = \(\large \frac {22}{7}\) × 1.05

∴ Distance covered by cart in 1 rotation = 3.3 m



Distance covered by cart in 1000 rotations = 1000 × 3.3 m

∴ Distance covered by cart in 1000 rotations = 3300 m

∴ Distance covered by cart in 1000 rotations = \(\large \frac {3300}{1000}\) km …[∵ 1 km = 1000 m]

∴ Distance covered by cart in 1000 rotations = 3.3 km


Ans: The distance covered by the cart in 1000 rotations of the wheel is 3.3 km.

8. The area of a rectangular garden of length 40 m, is 1000 sq m. Find the breadth of the garden and its perimeter. The garden is to be enclosed by 3 rounds of fencing, leaving an entrance of 4 m. Find the cost of fencing the garden at a rate of 250 rupees per metre.

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Length of the rectangular garden = 40 m

Area of the rectangular garden = 1000 sq. m.

Rate of fencing the garden = ₹ 250 per m. 


To find:

Breadth of the garden

Perimeter of the garden

Cost of fencing the garden



Area of the rectangular garden = length of the garden × breadth of the garden

∴ 1000 = 40 × breadth of the garden

∴ \(\large \frac {1000}{40}\) = breadth of the garden

∴ breadth of the garden = 25 m


Perimeter of the garden = 2 × length of the garden + 2 × breadth of the garden

∴ Perimeter of the garden = 2 × 40 + 2 × 25

∴ Perimeter of the garden = 80 + 50

∴ Perimeter of the garden = 130 m



Length of one round of fence = Perimeter of the garden – width of the entrance

∴ Length of one round of fence = 130 – 4

∴ Length of one round of fence = 126 m


Total length of fencing = Length of one round of fencing × number of rounds 

∴ Total length of fencing = 126 × 3

∴ Total length of fencing = 378 m



Total cost of fencing = Total length of fencing × rate of fencing the garden

Total cost of fencing = 378 × 250

Total cost of fencing = ₹ 94500


Ans: The cost of fencing the garden is ₹ 94500.

9. From the given figure, find the length of hypotenuse AC and the perimeter of ∆ABC.

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AB = 20 units

BC = 21 units

∠ABC = 90°


To find:

The value of x



In ∆ABC, ∠ABC = 90°

∴ Side AC is the hypotenuse


According to Pythagoras’ theorem,

l(AC)² = l(AB)² + l(BC)²

∴ l(AC)² = 20² + 21²

∴ l(AC)² = 400 + 441

∴ l(AC)² = 841

∴ l(AC)² = 29²

∴ l(AC) = 29 units


Perimeter of ∆ABC = l(AB) + l(BC) + l(AC)

∴ Perimeter of ∆ABC = 20 + 21 + 29

∴ Perimeter of ∆ABC = 70 units


Ans: Perimeter of ∆ABC is 70 units. 

10. If the edge of a cube is 8 cm long, find its total surface area.

IMG 20230316 000911 Miscellaneous Problems : Set 2


Side = 8 cm


To find:

Total surface area of cube



Total surface area of the cube = 6l²

∴ Total surface area of the cube = 6 × (8)²

∴ Total surface area of the cube = 6 × 64

∴ Total surface area of the cube = 384 sq. m.


Ans: Total surface area of the cube is 385 sq. m. 

11. Factorise : 

365y⁴z³ – 146y²z⁴


365y⁴z³ – 146y²z⁴ = 73 (5y⁴z³ – 2y²z⁴)

∴ 365y⁴z³ – 146y²z⁴ = 73y² (5y²z³ – 2z⁴)

∴ 365y⁴z³ – 146y²z⁴ = 73y²z³ (5y² – 2z)

Ans: 365y⁴z³ – 146y²z⁴ = 73y²z³ (5y² – 2z)

Multiple Choice Questions 

Choose the right answers from the options given for each of the following questions.

1. If the average of the numbers 33, 34, 35, x, 37, 38, 39 is 36, what is the value of x ?

(i) 40 

(ii) 32 

(iii) 42 

(iv) 36



We know that,

Average = \( \large \frac{\text { Sum of all scores in the given data }}{\text { Total number of scores }}\)


∴ 36 = \(\large \frac{33\, +\, 34\, +\, 35\, +\, x\, +\, 37\, +\, 38\, +\, 39}{7}\)

∴ 36 × 7 = 216 + x

∴ 252 = 216 + x

∴ 252 – 216 = x

∴ x = 36

OPTION (iv) : 36

2. The difference of the squares, (61² – 51²) is equal to ……………… .

(i) 1120 

(ii) 1230 

(iii) 1240 

(iv) 1250


In (61² – 51²),

a = 61 and b = 51


We know that,

a² – b² = (a + b)(a – b)


∴ 61² – 51² = (61 + 51)(61 – 51) 

∴ 61² – 51² = (112)(10) 

∴ 61² – 51² = 1120


OPTION (i) : 1120

3. If 2600 rupees are divided between Sameer and Smita in the proportion 8 : 5, the share of each is …………… and …………… respectively. 

(i) ₹ 1500, ₹ 1100 

(ii) ₹ 1300, ₹ 900

(iii) ₹ 800, ₹ 500 

(iv) ₹ 1600, ₹ 1000



₹ 2600 is to be divided among Sameer and Smita in the ratio = 8 : 5

Total = 8 + 5 = 13


∴ Sameer’s share = \(\large \frac {8}{13}\) × 2600 

∴ Sameer’s share = ₹ 1600



Smita’s share = \(\large \frac {5}{13}\) × 2600 

∴ Smita’s share = ₹ 1000


OPTION (iv) : ₹ 1600, ₹ 1000