Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Chapter 9 - Direct Proportion and Inverse Proportion

Practice Set 37

1. If 7 kg onions cost 140 rupees, how much must we pay for 12 kg onions?


7 kg onions cost ₹140 

∴ 12 kg onions will cost ₹ ?


Let the cost of 12 kg onions be ₹x


The quantity of onions and their cost are in direct proportion




Answer: For 12 kg onions we have to pay ₹240.


2. If 600 rupees buy 15 bunches of feed, how many will 1280 rupees buy?


600 rupees buy 15 bunches of feed

∴ 1280 rupees will buy ? bunches of feed


Let the bunches of feed bought for Rs 1280 be x


The quantity of feed bought and their cost are in direct proportion




Answer: 32 bunches of feed can be bought for Rs 1280.


3. For 9 cows, 13 kg 500 g of food supplement are required every day. In the same proportion, how much will be needed for 12 cows? 


9 cows require 13 kg 500 g of food supplement

∴ 12 cows will require ?  food supplement


Let the food supplement required for 12 cows be x kg


The quantity of food supplement required and the number of cows are in direct proportion


13kg 500g = 13kg + 0.5kg = 13.5kg




Answer: The food supplement required for 12 cows is 18 kg.


4. The cost of 12 quintals of soyabean is 36,000 rupees. How much will 8 quintals cost?


Cost of 12 quintals of soyabean is ₹36,000

Cost of 8 quintals of soyabean will be ₹ ?


Let the cost of 8 quintals of soyabean be ₹x


The quantity of soyabeans and their cost are in direct proportion.




Answer: The cost of 8 quintals of soyabean is Rs 24000.


5. Two mobiles cost 16,000 rupees. How much money will be required to buy 13 such mobiles ?


2 mobiles cost ₹16,000

13 mobiles will cost ₹ ?


Let the cost of 13 mobiles be ₹ x


The quantity of mobiles and their cost are in direct proportion




Answer: ₹104000 will be required to buy 13 mobiles.

Practice Set 38

1. Five workers take 12 days to weed a field. How many days would 6 workers take? How many would 15 take?


To weed a field;

5 workers take 12 days

6 workers will take ? days


Let 6 workers take x days 


The number of workers and the time required to weed the field are in inverse proportion


∴ 6 × x = 5 × 12

∴ x = \( \frac{5 × 12}{6} \) 

∴ x = \( \frac{60}{6} \) 

∴ x = 10 days



15 workers take ? days


Let 15 workers take y days 


15 × y = 5 × 12

∴ y = \( \frac{5 × 12}{15} \) 

∴ y = \( \frac{60}{15} \) 

∴ y = 4 days


Answer: 6 workers will take 10 days and 15 workers will take 4 days to weed the field.


2. Mohanrao took 10 days to finish a book, reading 40 pages every day. How many pages must he read in a day to finish it in 8 days?


To finish a book in 10 days, he reads 40 pages every day

To finish a book in 8 days, he should read ? pages every day


Let Mohanrao read x pages every day to finish the book in 8 days.


The number of pages read per day and the days required to finish the book are in inverse proportion


∴ 8 × x = 10 × 40

∴ x = \( \frac{10 × 40}{8} \) 

∴ x = \( \frac{400}{8} \) 

∴ x = 50


Answer: Mohanrao will have to read 50 pages every day to finish the book in 8 days.


3. Mary cycles at 6 km per hour. How long will she take to reach her Aunt’s house which is 12 km away? If she cycles at a speed of 4 km/hr, how long would she take ?


Mary cycles at 6 km in 1 hour

∴ She cycles 12 km in ? hour


Let the time required to cycle 12 km be x hours. 


The speed of the cycle and the time required to travel the same distance are in inverse proportion


∴ 6 × x = 12 × 1

∴ x = \( \frac{12}{6} \) 

∴ x = 2 hours


Mary cycles at 6 km/hr speed and reach in 2 hours

∴ If she cycles at 4 km/hr speed, shell reach in ? hours


Let the time required to cycle 12 km be x hours.


4 × x = 6 × 2

∴ x = \( \frac{6 × 2}{4} \) 

∴ x = \( \frac{12}{4} \) 

∴ x =  3 hours

Answer: Mary will require 2 hours if she is cycling at 6 km/hr and 3 hours if she is cycling at 4 km/hr to reach her Aunt’s house.


4. The stock of grain in a government warehouse lasts 30 days for 4000 people. How many days will it last for 6000 people ?


For 4000 people, the stock lasts for 30 days

∴ For 6000 people, the stock will last for ? days


Let the stock of grain last for x days for 6000 people.


The number of people and the days for which stock will last are in inverse proportion


∴ 6000 × x = 4000 × 30

∴ x = \( \frac{4000 × 30}{6000} \) 

∴ x = \( \frac{120000}{6000} \) 

∴ x = \( \frac{120}{6} \) 

∴ x = 20


Answer: The stock of grain will last for 20 days for 6000 people.

Practice Set 39

1. Suresh and Ramesh together invested 144000 rupees in the ratio 4:5 and bought a plot of land. After some years they sold it at a profit of 20%. What is the profit each of them got?


Total investment = Rs 144000

Profit earned = 20%


∴ Total profit = 20% of 144000 

∴ Total profit = \( \frac{20}{100} \) × 144000 

∴ Total profit = Rs 28800


Proportion of investment of Suresh and Ramesh = 4:5


Let the profit of Suresh be Rs 4x and that of Ramesh be Rs 5x.


4x + 5x = 28800

∴ 9x = 28800

∴ x = \( \frac{28800}{9} \)

∴ x = 3200


∴ Suresh’s profit = 4x = 4 × 3200 

∴ Suresh’s profit = Rs 12800



Ramesh’s profit = 5x = 5 × 3200

∴ Ramesh’s profit = Rs 16000


Answer: The profit earned by Suresh and Ramesh are Rs 12800 and Rs 16000 respectively.


2. Virat and Samrat together invested 50000 and 120000 rupees to start a business. They suffered a loss of 20%. How much loss did each of them incur?


Total investment = Rs 50000 + Rs 120000 

∴ Total investment = Rs 170000

Loss incurred = 20%


∴ Total loss = 20% of 170000

∴ Total loss = \( \frac{20}{100} \) × 170000 

∴ Total loss = Rs 34000


Proportion of investment = 50000 : 120000

∴ Proportion of investment = 5 : 12


Let the loss incurred by Virat be Rs 5x and that by Samrat be Rs 12x.


5x + 12x = 34000

∴ 17x = 34000

∴ x = \( \frac{34000}{17} \)

∴ x = 200


∴ Virat’s loss = 5x = 5 × 2000 

∴ Virat’s loss = Rs 10000



Samrat’s loss = 12x = 12 × 2000

∴ Samrat’s loss = Rs 24000


Answer: The loss incurred by Virat and Samrat are Rs 10000 and Rs 24000 respectively.


3. Shweta, Piyush and Nachiket together invested 80000 rupees and started a business of selling sheets and towels from Solapur. Shweta’s share of the capital was 30000 rupees and Piyush’s 12000. At the end of the year they had made a profit of 24%. What was Nachiket’s investment and what was his share of the profit?


Total investment = Rs 80000


Nachiket’s investment = Total investment – Shweta’s investment – Piyush’s investment

∴ Nachiket’s investment = 80000 – 30000 – 12000

∴ Nachiket’s investment = 50000 – 12000 

∴ Nachiket’s investment = Rs 38000


Profit earned = 24%

∴ Total profit = 24% of 80000 

∴ Total profit = \( \frac{24}{100} \) x 80000 

∴ Total profit = Rs 19200


Proportion of investment = 30000 : 12000 : 38000

∴ Proportion of investment = 15 : 6 : 19


Let the profit of Shweta, Piyush and Nachiket be Rs 15x, Rs 6x and Rs 19x respectively

15x + 6x + 19x = 19200

∴ 40x = 19200

∴ x = \( \frac{19200}{40} \)

∴ x = 480


∴ Nachiket’s profit = 19x = 19 × 480 = Rs 9120


Answer: Nachiket’s investment is Rs 38000 and his profit is Rs 9120.


4. A and B shared a profit of 24500 rupees in the proportion 3:7. Each of them gave 2% of his share of the profit to the Soldiers’ Welfare Fund. What was the actual amount given to the Fund by each of them?


Proportion of share of A and B = 3:7

Let the profits of A and B be Rs 3x and Rs 7x respectively.


3x + 7x = 24500

∴ 10x = 24500

∴ x = \( \frac{24500}{10} \)

∴ x = 2450


Profit earned by A = 3x = 3 × 2450 

∴ Profit earned by A = Rs 7350


Amount given by A = 2% of his profit

∴ Amount given by A = \( \frac{2}{100} \) × 7350 

∴ Amount given by A = Rs 147


Profit earned by B = 7x = 7 × 2450 

∴ Profit earned by B = Rs 17150


Amount given by B = 2% of his profit

∴ Amount given by B = \( \frac{2}{100} \)  × 17150 

∴ Amount given by B = Rs 343


Answer: The amount given by A and B to the Soldiers’ Welfare Fund are Rs 147 and Rs 343 respectively.


5 . Jaya, Seema, Nikhil and Neelesh put in altogether 360000 rupees to form a partnership, with their investments being in the proportion 3:4:7:6. What was Jaya’s actual share in the capital ? They made a profit of 12%. How much profit did Nikhil make ?


Total investment = Rs 360000

Profit earned = 12%

∴ Total profit = 12% of 360000

∴ Total profit = \( \frac{12}{100} \)  × 360000 

∴ Total profit = 43200


Proportion of investment = 3 : 4 : 7 : 6

Let the investment of Jaya, Seema, Nikhil and Neelesh be Rs 3x, Rs 4x, Rs 7x and Rs 6x respectively.

3x + 4x + 7x + 6x = 360000

∴ 20x = 360000

∴ x = \( \frac{360000}{20} \)

∴ x = 18000


∴ Jaya’s investment = 3x = 3 x 18000 

∴ Jaya’s investment = Rs 54000


Also, profit made by them is Rs 43200

∴ 3x + 4x + 7x + 6x = 43200

∴ 20x = 43200

∴ x = \( \frac{43200}{20} \)

∴ x = 2160


∴ Nikhil’s profit = 7x = 7 x 2160 

∴ Nikhil’s profit = Rs 15120


Answer: Jaya’s share in the capital was Rs 54000 and the profit made by Nikhil was Rs 15120.