Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Chapter 6 - Natural Regions

Q.1 Read the following statements carefully. Correct the wrong ones and write them down:


(1) Due to its mild and warm climate, people from the West European region are not energetic.

Ans: Wrong.

Due to its mild and warm climate, people from the West European region are energetic.


(2) The prairie region is called the wheat basket of the world.

Ans: Right.

The prairie region is called the wheat basket of the world.


(3) The trees in the Mediterranean region have oily leaves and the bark is quite thick. There is a high rate of transpiration.

Ans: Wrong.

The trees in the Mediterranean region have oily leaves and the bark is quite thick. There is a low rate of transpiration.


(4) The camel is an important animal of the hot desert region as it can survive without water and is useful for transport. 

Ans: Right.

The camel is an important animal of the hot desert region as it can survive without water and is useful for transport.


(5) Carnivorous animals like tigers and lions are found in large numbers in the equatorial regions.

Ans: Wrong.

Carnivorous animals like tigers and lions are found in large numbers in the grasslands of Sudan type.


Q.2. Give geographical reasons:


(1) People in monsoon region are mainly engaged in agriculture.

Ans: People in the monsoon region are mainly engaged in agriculture because the rainfall during the monsoon seasons provide much needed moisture to the soil and help in the growth of crops.


(2) Trees in equatorial forests grow tall.

Ans: The year round high temperature and abundant rainfall support trees in equatorial forests to grow tall. Equatorial forests have very dense vegetation. They are much taller than most trees in the rainforest and their crowns are exposed to the direct sunlight.


(3) Vegetation is short-lived in the Tundra region.

Ans: The Tundra region is situated at a high altitude and it is covered with snow almost all the time. So vegetation can’t be grown in this region.


Q.3. Answer the following questions:


(1) What is the latitudinal extent of the Taiga region?

Ans: The latitudinal extent of the Taiga region is approximately between 55⁰ and 65⁰ N parallel.


(2) Name any three herbivorous animals from the Sudan region. What has nature endowed them with for self-protection?

Ans: The name of three herbivorous animals from the Sudan region are zebra, giraffe and kangaroo. The nature has endowed them with speedy legs for self protection.


(3) What are the characteristics of the Monsoon region?

Ans: The characteristics of the monsoon region are:

(i) The summer temperature is between 27⁰ C and 32⁰ C & the winter temperature is between 15⁰ C to 24⁰ C.

(ii) Rainfall varies between 250 to 2500 mm. This region gets rain in specific seasons from the SW Monsoon.

(iii) Rainfall here is highly variable and distribution is quite uneven.

(iv) Semi-evergreen and deciduous forests are found in this region. Vegetation depends on the distribution of rainfall.

(v) Large number of small hamlets are found. There is considerable difference in the diet & costumes of the people in the monsoon region.

(vi) Population here is mostly engaged in primary occupation.

(vii) Agriculture is the main occupation of the people here.


4. Show the following items on an outline map of the world. Prepare the index.


1. Colorado Desert

2. British Columbia

3. Downs Grassland

4. Inhabited part of Greenland

5. Mediterranean Sea


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