Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Chapter 11 - Circle

Practice set 42

1. Complete the table below.

Sr. No. Radius (r) Diameter (d) Circumference (c)
7 cm
28 cm
616 cm
72.6 cm


IMG 20230314 192449 Chapter 11 – Circle

Radius = 7 cm

To find:
Circumference and Diameter

Circumference = 2πr
∴ Circumference = 2 × \(\large \frac{22}{7}\) × 7
∴ Circumference = 2 × 22
∴ Circumference = 44 cm

Diameter = 2 × radius
∴ Diameter = 2 × 7
∴ Diameter = 14 cm

Ans: Circumference is 44 cm and diameter is 14 cm.


IMG 20230314 193449 Chapter 11 – Circle

Diameter = 28 cm

To find:
Radius and Circumference

Radius = \(\large \frac{Diameter}{2}\)
∴ Radius = \(\large \frac{28}{2}\)
∴ Radius = 14 cm

Circumference = 2πr
∴ Circumference = 2 × \(\large \frac{22}{7}\) × 14
∴ Circumference = 2 × 22 × 2
∴ Circumference = 88 cm

Ans: Radius is 14 cm and circumference is 88 cm.


IMG 20230314 192423 Chapter 11 – Circle

Circumference = 616 cm

To find:
Radius and Diameter

Circumference = 2πr
∴ 616 = 2 × \(\large \frac{22}{7}\) × r
∴ \(\large \frac{616\, ×\, 7}{2\, ×\, 22}\) = r
∴ Radius = 98 cm

Diameter = 2 × radius
∴ Diameter = 2 × 98
∴ Diameter = 196 cm

Ans: Radius is 98 cm and diameter is 196 cm.


IMG 20230314 192513 Chapter 11 – Circle

Circumference = 72.6 cm

To find:
Radius and Diameter

Circumference = 2πr
∴ 72.6 = 2 × \(\large \frac{22}{7}\) × r
∴ \(\large \frac{72.6\, ×\, 7}{2\, ×\, 22}\) = r
∴ r = \(\large \frac{508.2}{44}\)
∴ Radius = 11.55 cm

Diameter = 2 × radius
∴ Diameter = 2 × 11.55
∴ Diameter = 23.1 cm

Ans: Radius is 11.55 cm and diameter is 23.1 cm.

2. If the circumference of a circle is 176 cm, find its radius.

IMG 20230314 192438 Chapter 11 – Circle


Circumference of the circle = 176 cm

To find:
Radius of the circle

Circumference of the circle = 2πr
∴ 176 = 2 × \(\large \frac{22}{7}\) × r
∴ \(\large \frac{176\, ×\, 7}{2\, ×\, 22}\) = r
∴ r = \(\large \frac{8\, ×\, 7}{2}\)
∴ Radius = 28 cm

Ans: Radius of the circle is 28 cm.

3. The radius of a circular garden is 56 m. What would it cost to put a 4-round fence around this garden at a rate of 40 rupees per metre?

IMG 20230314 192542 Chapter 11 – Circle

Radius of the circular garden = 56 m
Rate of wire per meter = ₹ 40

To find:
Cost of 4-round fence around the garden

Circumference of the circular garden = 2πr
∴ Circumference of the circular garden = 2 × \(\large \frac{22}{7}\) × 56
∴ Circumference of the circular garden = 2 × 22 × 8
∴ Circumference of the circular garden = 352 m

Length of the wire required to put 1-round fence = Circumference of the circular garden
∴ Length of wire required to put a 4-round fence = 4 × Circumference of the circular garden
∴ Length of wire required to put a 4-round fence = 4 × 352
∴ Length of wire required to put a 4-round fence = 1408 m

Rate of wire per meter = ₹ 40
∴ Cost of 4-round fence around the garden = length of wire required × rate of wire
∴ Cost of 4-round fence around the garden = 1408 × 40
∴ Cost of 4-round fence around the garden = Rs 56320

Ans: The cost to put a 4-round fence around the garden is Rs 56320.

4. The wheel of a bullock cart has a diameter of 1.4 m. How many rotations will the wheel complete as the cart travels 1.1 km?

IMG 20230314 192607 Chapter 11 – Circle

Diameter of the wheel of the bullock cart = 1.4 m
Distance travelled by the cart = 1.1 km = 1.1 × 1000 m = 1100 m

To find:
Number of rotations the wheel completes in 1100 m

Circumference of the wheel of the bullock cart = πd
∴ Circumference of the wheel of the bullock cart = \(\large \frac{22}{7}\) × 1.4
∴ Circumference of the wheel of the bullock cart = 22 × 0.2
∴ Circumference of the wheel of the bullock cart = 4.4 m

Distance covered in 1 rotation is the circumference of the wheel
∴ Distance covered in 1 rotation = 4.4 m

Number of rotations = \(\large \frac{Distance\, covered\, in\, 1 \,rotation}{Circumference\, of\, the\, wheel}\)
∴ Number of rotations = \(\large \frac{1100 m }{4.4 m}\)
∴ Number of rotations = 250

Ans: The wheel of the bullock cart will complete 250 rotations as the cart travels 1.1 km.

Practice set 43

1. Choose the correct option.

If arc AXB and arc AYB are corresponding arcs and m(arc AXB) = 120° then m(arc AYB) =

(i) 140°

(ii) 60°

(iii) 240°

(iv) 160°

IMG 20230314 194410 Chapter 11 – Circle


Measure of major arc = 360° – measure of corresponding minor arc

∴ m (arc AYB) = 360 – m (arc AXB)

∴ m (arc AYB) = 360 – 120

∴ m (arc AYB) = 240°


OPTION (iii) : 240°

2. Some arcs are shown in the circle with centre ‘O’ Write the names of the minor arcs, major arcs and semicircular arcs from among them.

IMG 20230314 194646 Chapter 11 – Circle


Minor arcs

arc QXP, arc PR, arc RY, arc YQ, arc QX, arc XP, arc PRY


Major arcs

arc PYQ, arc PQR, arc RQY, arc XPQ, arc XQP, arc XQR


Semicircular arcs :

arc QPR, arc QYR

3. In a circle with centre O, the measure of a minor arc is 110°. What is the measure of the major arc PYQ?

IMG 20230314 192555 Chapter 11 – Circle


Measure of minor arc = 110⁰


To find:

Measure of the major arc PYQ



Measure of major arc = 360° – measure of corresponding minor arc

∴ m (arc PYQ) = 360 – 110

∴ m (arc PYQ) = 250°


Ans: The measure of the major arc PYQ is 250°.