Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Chapter 10 – The Expansion of the Maratha Power

1. Write the meaning.


(1) Chauthai –

Ans: Chauthai is the right to collect one-fourth of the revenue from the Mughal territory.


(2) Sardeshmukhi –

Ans: Sardeshmukhi is the right to collect one-tenth of the revenue from the Mughal territory.


2. Write the answer in one word.


(1) Balaji was from this town in Konkan …………..

Ans: Shrivardhan.


(2) He ruled Bundelkhand …………..

Ans: Raja Chhatrasal.


(3) Bajirao died at this place …………..

Ans: Raverkhedi.


(4) He defeated the Portuguese …………..

Ans: Chimajiappa.


3. Write about them in your own words.


(1) Kanhoji Angre

Ans: a) Kanhoji Angre was the chief of the Maratha Navy.

b) He was a supporter of Maharani Tarabai and attacked the territories of Shahu Maharaj.

c) Shahu Maharaj sent Balaji to fight against Kanhoji Angre.

d) Balaji avoided the war and convinced Kanhoji to come over to Shahu Maharaj’s side.


(2) The Battle of Palkhed

Ans: a) Nizam-ul-Mulk was the Subhedar of Deccan.

b) He tried to establish his separate existence in Hyderabad.

c) He was opposed to granting Chauthai Sardeshmukhi rights to the Deccan to the Marathas.

d) He captured some parts of the Pune Pargana.

e) Bajirao decided to checkmate the Nizam.

f) Bajirao’s army defeated the Nizam army in the battle of Palkhed near Aurangabad.

g) Thereafter, Nizam accepted the Maratha right to collect Chauthai Sardeshmukhi.


(3) Balaji Vishwanath

Ans: a) Balaji Vishwanath, who hailed from Shrivardhan in Konkan, was competent and experienced.

b) He convinced many Sardars that Shahu Maharaj was the real heir of the Maratha empire.

c) Shahu Maharaj appointed Balaji Vishwanath as Peshwa.


(4) Bajirao I

Ans: a) After the death of Balaji Vishwanath, Shahu Maharaj appointed Balaji’s son, Bajirao I, the Peshwa in 1720 CE.

b) He expanded the Maratha Empire during his 20-year term.

c) Bajirao was a great general. With his valour, he established Maratha supremacy in the North.

d) He won status for the Maratha Empire as a formidable power in all of India.

e) In April 1740, Bajirao breathed his last at Raverkhedi on the banks of the Narmada.


4. Give reasons.


(1) Two separate Maratha States were formed.

Ans: Two separate Maratha States were formed because

a) After the release of Shahu Maharaj, Maharani Tarabai refused to accept his claim to the throne.

b) After defeating Maharani Tarabai in the battle of Khed

c) Shahu Maharaj captured Satara and crowned himself as Chhatrapati.

d) Satara became the capital of the Maratha kingdom.

e) Tarabai proclaimed her minor son Shivaji II as the Chhatrapati at Panhala in 1710 CE.


(2) Azamshah released Chattrapati Shahu Maharaj from his custody.

Ans: Azamshah released Chattrapati Shahu Maharaj from his custody because,

Azamshah believed that if Shahu Maharaj were released, there would arise a conflict between him and Maharani Tarabai over the gadi of the Maratha Chhatrapati. Azamshah felt that this would sap the strength of the Marathas.


(3) Delhi needed the help from the Marathas.

Ans: a) The Mughals were under the threat of Iranian and Afghani invaders from the north-west.

b) The local Pathan, local Rajput, Jat, and Rohila rulers also posed a threat to the empire.

c) The internal competition and tussle in the court had also weakened the Mughal power.

Therefore, the Delhi Court needed the help of the Marathas.