Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard Seven

Chapter 1.3 - In Time of Silver Rain

This chapter, extracted from the story ‘Odd One In’ by Tithi Tavora, teaches us to be kind to others and respect each other’s differences. The story revolves around Rima, a city girl who tried to bully a new student in her class. Malti, who was from a different state, took admission to Rima’s school. She was different from Rima and her friends. Unlike them, she applied oil to her hair and bindi on her forehead and did not speak English fluently. Rima and her friends began to make fun of her rather than helping her get accustomed to their school. As time passed, everybody in the class realised how talented and sweet Malti was and befriended her. However, Rima continued to tease her. This hurt Malti, and one day she could not tolerate it anymore. She ran away from Rima with tears in her eyes, and Rima’s friends scolded her for her behaviour. Rima then understood her mistake, but she was too proud to accept it, even to herself. The story tells us that when we realise that we are at fault, we should apologize immediately and make things right.

recounted : told

atrocious : Here, it means of very poor quality

snidely : in a nasty manner

jeer : make rude remarks in a loud voice.

clique : a small group of friends who do not allow others to join them.

roundly : Here, it means ‘in an emphatic manner.’


1. Find the pairs of rhyming words used at the end of the lines in the poem.

rain – again
again – plain
heads – spreads
wings – sing
cry – sky
too – new

2. Read the poem aloud using proper intonation.

Ans: Students must do this on their own.

3. If you were to draw a landscape on the basis of this poem, what elements will you show in it? What colours will you use?

Ans: If I were to draw a landscape on the basis of this poem, I would show the following: the earth, rain, grass, flowers, butterflies, a rainbow, trees, a road, boys, and girls. I would use all the colours in my paint box.

4. The special arrangement of short lines makes you think about every detail. If you write the sentences in the usual manner, it does not have the same effect. For example, the first stanza would be something like ‘The earth puts forth new life again; green grasses grow and flowers lift their heads and the wonder of life spreads all over the plain in time of silver rain.’


Now try the following :

Write one or two sentences about something beautiful, using your own experience or imagination. Then rearrange the words in the sentences in a poetic form. You may write about a beautiful day, a beautiful night, a stream, a crop standing in a field, a graceful bird or animal, etc.


Pretty Yellow Sunflower 


If you are what you eat,

Then I will eat sunflower seeds

So that my cells can regenerate

With hopes of blossoming

Into something beautiful

Something so beautiful,

That it can take your breath away

All while giving you oxygen

So that you can breathe!

5. Fill in the following blanks with reference to the poem.

‘In time of rain when spring and life are …………, the butterflies lift ………… wings to catch a ………… cry and trees put forth ………… leaves to sing in ………… beneath the sky as ………… boys and girls too ………… singing down the roadway’.


Ans: In the time of rain when spring and life are new, the butterflies lift silken wings to catch a rainbow cry and trees put forth new leaves to sing in joy beneath the sky as passing boys and girls too go singing down the roadway.

6. Think and answer :

(a) Is the poet talking about heavy rains in the rainy season or rain that has come after a long time?
Ans: The poet is talking about rain that has come after a long time.


(b) Are the boys and girls happy that it is raining?
Ans: Yes they are happy.

7. Find out the following with the help of your teacher and the internet.

• Seasonal Rains (monsoon) in India and other countries.
Ans: Students must do this on their own.


• Rain in countries like the UK which experience spring – summer – autumn – winter.
Ans: Students must do this on their own.

8. Talk about your favourite season. (A one minute activity.)


My Favourite Season


My favourite season is summer. This is because we do not have to go to school in the summer because of the summer holidays.

Though it is hot in the summer, I do not mind the heat. I play cricket or football with my friends in the mornings and evenings. I also swim in our swimming pool.

During the day, it is too hot to go outdoors. So I read storybooks or play games on my computer. I love reading. Luckily, most of my friends are also fond of books. We exchange books and comics whenever we can.

I also go on picnics with my friends. We eat and play the whole day and enjoy ourselves a lot. I really love summer because summer means holidays!

9. Language Study : Alliteration : When the same sound occurs at the beginning of two or more words in the same line, it is called alliteration. 

Example : Nayna needs new notebooks.

Find an example of alliteration from the poem. Collect other examples of alliteration.

Ans: Green grasses grow.

Other examples of Alliteration are:

(i) Clary closed her cluttered clothes closet.

(ii) Harry hurried home to watch football on TV.

(iii) Rachel ran right until she realized she was running round and round.

(iv) Polly’s prancing pony performed perfectly.

(v) The boy buzzed around as busy as a bee.