Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard One


Lesson 1 - The Sun

Q1. Listen and repeat.

I told the sun that I was glad,
I’m sure I don’t know why;


Somehow the pleasant way he had
Of shining in the sky,


Just put a notion in my head
That wouldn’t it be fun.


If, walking on the hill, I said
“I’m happy,” to the sun.


– John Drinkwater


Q2. Write the rhyming words.

(1) why ………………

Ans: sky


(2) glad ………………

Ans: had


(3) fun ………………

Ans: sun


(4) head ………………

Ans: said


Q3. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks using words given in the bracket.

(eating, climbing, singing, shining)


(1) The sun is ………… in the sky.

Ans: The sun is shining in the sky.


(2) Raj is ………… a ladder.

Ans: Raj is climbing a ladder.


(3) John is ………… a song.

Ans: John is singing a song.


(4) Jenny is ………. a banana.

Ans: Jenny is eating a banana.