Lesson 2 - A Shapes Mobile
Q1. Listen, read and do.
- Take a sheet of chart paper.
- Draw the following shapes in big size on the chart paper.
- Colour the shapes as you like.
- Cut out the shapes.
- Make a tiny hole at the top of each shape.
- Pass a string through the hole.
- Make a knot and tie the string to the shape.

- Take two sticks and tie them together in the shape of ‘x’.
- Tie the shapes to the arms of the ‘x’ with their strings.
- Some strings should be short, some long.
- Tie a strong thread to the centre of the ‘x’.
- Hold your mobile up with the strong thread.
- You can hang it anywhere you like.

Q2. Arrange the following words alphabetically.
(1) square, triangle, circle, rectangle, kite, oval, egg, heart
Ans: circle, egg, heart, kite, oval, rectangle, square, triangle.
(2) cloud, star, rainbow, crescent moon, mango, flower, leaf, butterfly
Ans: butterfly, cloud, crescent moon, flower, leaf, mango, rainbow, star.
Q3. Do you find these shapes in the things around you? Talk about any two shapes you spot.
Ans: Yes, I see many shapes; two of them are a circle and a star.
The chapati’s shape is a circle.
The stars twinkle in the sky.
Q4. Which is your favourite shape? Where do you find it? Talk about it and write one or two lines about it.
Ans: My favourite shape is a star.
The stars twinkle in the sky. They are very far away from us. They look very beautiful.
Q5. Draw the shapes in your ‘Word’ file and write the name of each shape below it. Note that for ‘leaf’ and ‘flower’, you can use the shapes of different leaves and flowers. For which other words given here can you use a variety of shapes.
Ans: Students must do this on their own.