Lesson 2 - Dough Shapes
Q1. Try this and tell the others.
Ans: Read the ingredients and follow the step-by-step instructions to make different shapes with the help of dough.
Q2. Draw / Stick pictures of the shapes you have made and paste them in your ‘Word’ file. Write the names of the shapes below the picture.
Ans: With the help of your teacher, make the shapes that are given in the textbook.

Q3. Which of the shapes you like most that you made? Use it in your own sentence.
For example : I like the wheel, I made. We use wheels to run a car.
Ans: I like the ball, the hut, and the fish that I made.
Ball: Ravi plays with a ball.
Hut: The beggar lives in a hut.
Fish: Fish swim in water.