Maharashtra Board Textbook Solutions for Standard One


Lesson 2 - Dough Shapes

Q1. Try this and tell the others

Ans: Read the ingredients and follow the step-by-step instructions to make different shapes with the help of dough.


Q2. Draw / Stick pictures of the shapes you have made and paste them in your ‘Word’ file. Write the names of the shapes below the picture.

Ans: With the help of your teacher, make the shapes that are given in the textbook.

Screenshot 20221116 052432 01 Unit 5 - Lesson 2 - Dough Shapes

Q3. Which of the shapes you like most that you made? Use it in your own sentence.

For example : I like the wheel, I made. We use wheels to run a car.

Ans: I like the ball, the hut, and the fish that I made.


Ball: Ravi plays with a ball.

Hut: The beggar lives in a hut.

Fish: Fish swim in water.