Chapter 18 - Management of the Welfare State of Swaraj
1. Give reasons.
(a) An independent Hindavi Swaraj was created.
Ans: An independent Hindavi Swaraj was created because:
(i) Hindavi Swaraj was a dream of Shivaji Maharaj.
(ii) Anyone who lived in Hindustan, no matter what religion or community they belonged to, was a “Hindavi.” Their raj was “Hindavi Swaraj.”
(b) The people in Swaraj did not feel the severity of drought.
(i) Shivaji Maharaj gave various facilities to drought-affected peasants.
(ii) He used to waive taxes.
(iii) Shivaji Maharaj freely distributed the grain stored in the state granaries to the people.
(iv) He also undertook repairs of various forts and the construction of dams, bunds, and canals during drought years.
In this way, people could earn their daily living and did not feel the severity of the drought.
(c) Shivaji Maharaj honoured Mallamma Desai.
(i) Mallamma Desai was a brave woman from Beawadi in Karnataka.
(ii) She fought a great battle in defence of the fortress.
(iii) When Shivaji Maharaj learned about her courage, he called her his younger sister.
(iv) He also returned her fortress and villages to her with honour and gave her the title “Savitri.”
2. Fill in the blanks to complete the table.


3. Discuss :
How did Shivaji Maharaj ensure that the various factors in the environment would not get destroyed? What are the things that you can do to protect the environment?
(i) Shivaji Maharaj took precautions to avoid the destruction of these environmental factors.
(ii) Shivaji Maharaj saw to it that the forests in his kingdom would not bedestroyed by the people.
(iii) He had issued orders that only teak trees should be cut to obtain wood to build boats and ships. And if more teakwood is required, it should be purchased from foreign territories. But mango, jackfruit, or other trees should not be cut, as these trees don’t grow in a year or two.
Things we can do to protect the environment:
1) We can protect the environment by reducing the use of plastics.
2) Saving natural resources is a way to save the environment.
3) Choosing organic fertilisers instead of chemical pesticides will also be helpful.
4) Banning deforestation is a way to save our environment.
5) Choosing bicycles over vehicles that pollute the environment.
6) Proper garbage and sewage treatment will be helpful for a good environment.
7) By campaigning and generating awareness among people, you can save the environment.
8) You can save the environment by opting for the 3 Rs, which are recycle, reduce, and recycle.
9) Make use of renewable resources instead of limited resources.
10) Save electricity by switching off lights and choosing electric-saving bulbs.
4. Read and tell.
Read the information on ‘water management’ and tell it in your own words.
Ans: Water management is the activity of controlling water resources in order to minimise damage to property and life while maximising their efficient use. It is defined as “the process of planning, developing, and distributing water for the optimum use of water resources under defined water policies and regulations.” With the rapid increase in the population of the world to over 6 billion people in the past few years, the use of water has also increased by up to 500%. Water is an essential resource for life on earth, not only for humans but for plants and animals as well, and therefore it must be conserved. In fact, historically, humans had also learned some techniques to conserve the available water resources by building dams, using drip irrigation, doing water harvesting, etc.