Chapter 8 - Beginning of Settled Life
1. Fill in the blanks.
(a) Archaeological evidence shows that, agriculture first began about 11,000 years ago in Israel and _______
(Iran, Iraq, Dubai)
Ans: Iraq
(b) The houses at the beginning of the New Stone Age were made of _______
(earth, bricks, wattle and daub)
Ans: wattle and daub
2. Answer the following questions in brief.
(a) What are the three main steps in the process of domesticating a wild animal?
Ans: The three main steps in the domestication of a species of any animal are
1. Capture of the wild animal.
2. Taming the wild animal by giving it the training to live with humans
3. Obtaining useful materials like milk from these animals and training them to work as beasts of burden for the humans.
(b) How did some people in the community become skilled craftsmen?
1. As the food available was more than needed by the community, some men and women used their spare time for experimentation and to use their natural creativity to develop special skills.
2. People with such specialised skills were assigned jobs based on their abilities.
Thereby, a class of skilled craftsmen emerged.
3. Complete the following concept chart.


4. Write about the usefulness of any five domesticated animals.
1. Cows:
Cows are very useful animals. It is a milking animal that gives milk and milk products. Cow dung is a traditional source of energy.
2. Sheep:
Sheep are useful because of their wool and milk.They are also domesticated for their meat.
3. Dog:
A dog is a very useful and faithful animal. It guards households or village settlements.
4. Horse:
A horse is a very useful, strong, and swift animal. Its strength is used to draw carriages or transport heavy goods. It is also used for travelling.
5. Bullocks:
Bullocks are useful for agricultural operations. They are also used to transport people and heavy objects from one place to another.
5. Which animal is used by the modern police? In what way?
1. The dog is used by modern police.
2. It is used in the investigation of crimes as a dog can sniff the body odour and blood-stains on the clothes. It leads police to the person who has committed heinous crimes like murder.