Chapter 5 – Evolution of Mankind
1. Fill in the blanks.
(a) Homo is a Latin word which means _______.
Ans: man
(b) The Neanderthals primarily lived in _______.
Ans: caves
2. Answer each question in one sentence.
(a) Who is said to have first made tools like the hand-axe ?
Ans: Homo erectus is said to have first made tools like a hand-axe.
(b) What is heredity?
Ans: Heredity is the similarity in appearance and health characteristics of human beings to their ancestors.
3. Give reasons for the following:
(a) The Neanderthals became extinct.
(i) Homo sapiens were the neighbours of the Neanderthals in Europe.
(ii) Conflicts with Homo sapiens took place, and the Neanderthals suffered.
(iii) The Neanderthals failed to adapt to environmental changes.
(iv) As a result, the Neanderthals became extinct.
(b) Humans could produce subtle and varied types of sounds.
(i) Homo sapiens had developed to a stage where they had a fully developed larynx.
(ii) Their jaws and muscles inside the mouth were fully developed.
(iii) Their tongues were flexible.
(iv) Therefore, human beings could produce subtle and varied types of sounds.
4. Read the clues given below and find the words hidden in the box.

- Humans who stood upright.
- A sound that Neanderthals could make.
- Humans who used their hands.
- Homo sapiens sapiens began to grow this in fields.
- Pieces of stone used to make tools.
- It kept Homo erectus warm although they could not make it.
- A country in which remains of Homo habilis were found.
- A way of preparing food that Neanderthals used.
- A tool made by Homo erectus.
- Homo sapiens could do this to make pictures.
- Humans could use their hands because they learnt to stand on two of these.
- The country in which remains of Neanderthals were first found.
- These were buried with them when Neanderthals died.