Chapter 2 – Daydreams
Things to do
1. Read the following words aloud and copy them in your notebook.
Ans: Students should copy the words in their notebook.
2. Answer the following questions.
(1) What did the husband want to buy?
Ans: The husband wanted to buy a few cows.
(2) What plans did the wife make ?
Ans: The wife made plans to prepare plenty of dahi, butter, and ghee. She would use one earthen pot for milk, one for dahi, and one for butter. She would put the ghee in a jar. She would use the remaining pot to send milk to her sister.
(3) What did the husband want to do with the extra milk?
Ans: The husband wanted to sell the extra milk in the market.
(4) What did Gopal Bhand say he was doing?
Ans: Gopal Bhand asked the arguing couple to move aside and said that he had to drive away the couple’s greedy cows, who had wandered and ruined his field of beans and cucumbers.
(5) Did Gopal Bhand have a field?
Ans: No, Gopal Bhand did not have a field. He just pretended to have one to teach the couple a lesson.
(6) What did Gopal Bhand want to tell the husband and wife ?
Ans: Gopal Bhand wanted to tell them that they should not argue over something that they do not even have. They should live in the present.
(7) What is the difference between a ‘dream’ and a ‘daydream’ ?
Ans: A dream is something that one has at night when one is asleep. A daydream comes to one’s mind during the day when one is wide awake.
3. Activities
(1) Form groups of three and read the conversation in the story aloud.
Ans: Students must form a group and read the conversation aloud.
(2) Write about your own daydream in short.
Ans: My own daydream is about becoming a big doctor and fighting diseases like cancer. I dream about how I will cure people of this disease and how they will be grateful to me. In my daydream, I even see people thinking about me as a God with great powers!
(3) Begin with a word and write as many other related words or ideas that occur to you in the form of a concept chart or concept map. You can choose a word from those given here or you may choose any other suitable word.

Ans: Students can do this activity on their own.
4. Group Work
Discuss in groups of 5, the occasions on which you can use each of the following expressions. List at least 3 occasions each.
That’s true !
(a) When we are discussing something serious like the problem of deforestation,
(b) When we are discussing the importance of examinations,
(c) When we are talking about physical exercise.
For example:
“We must play outdoor games regularly.” “That’s true.”
Wouldn’t it be lovely !
(a) when someone is talking about cancelling all tests,
(b) when someone is hoping to play day and night,
(c) when the talk comes up about eating whatever one wishes.
For example:
“The education department is thinking about cancelling all tests for Std. V students.” “Wouldn’t that be lovely!”
Just try stopping me !
(a) when plans are being made for a picnic,
(b) when a friend’s birthday party is being discussed,
(c) when one is asked to come for Ice cream.
For example:
“We’re going to Vihar Lake for a picnic. Are you coming?” “Just try stopping me!”
5. Language Study (See pages 84-88.)
(1) A phrase is a meaningful group of words, for example, ‘one day’, ‘some extra money’, ‘a few cows’, ‘all the milk’.
From the story, find at least three phrases each that begin with or include each of the articles –
Ans: a pot full of milk, a stout stick, in a corner
Ans: There are no phrases having ‘an’
Ans: all the hard work, the earthen pots, all the commotion.
(2) Choose ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly and fill in the blanks.
___ earthen pot
Ans: an
___ cow
Ans: a
___ jar
Ans: a
___ sister
Ans: a
___ stout stick
Ans: a
___ lovely field
Ans: a
___ eyebrow
Ans: an
(3) Write the plural forms of the following.
Ans: cows
Ans: pots
Ans: jars
Ans: sisters
Ans: markets
Ans: drops
Ans: sticks
Ans: corners
Ans: fields
Ans: cucumber