Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Parliamentary System

Time - 25 Minutes

Marks - 10

1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3. Marks are included against each question.

1. Choose the correct option and rewrite the statements. (1 mark)

In the Presidential system ………… is the executive head.

(a) The Prime Minister

(b) The Lok Sabha Speaker

(c) The President

(d) The Governor

2. Complete the information in the following table. (2 marks)

Sr. No. Name of the Institution Functions

3. Explain the following statement with reasons. (2 marks)

India adopted the parliamentary system of government.

4. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words. (5 marks)

1. What is a responsible government?

2. Enumerate the characteristics of the Presidential system of government.