Basic Proportionality Theorem

Theorem : 

If a line parallel to a side of a triangle intersects the remaining sides in two distinct points, then the line divides the sides in the same proportion.

Basic Proportionality Theorem

Given :

In ∆ABC,

line l || line BC and line l intersects AB and AC in points P and Q respectively.

To prove :

\(\large \frac {AP}{PB}\) = \(\large \frac {AQ}{QC}\)


Draw seg PC and seg BQ 

Proof :

∆APQ and ∆PQB have equal heights

∴ \(\large \frac {A (∆APQ)}{A (∆PQB)}\) = \(\large \frac {AP}{PB}\) … (I) [The ratio of areas of two triangles having equal heights, is equal to the ratio of their corresponding bases]


and \(\large \frac {A (∆APQ)}{A (∆PQC)}\) = \(\large \frac {AQ}{QB}\) … (II) [The ratio of areas of two triangles having equal heights, is equal to the ratio of their corresponding bases]



seg PQ is the common base of ∆PQB and ∆PQC

and seg PQ || seg BC


Hence ∆PQB and ∆PQC have equal heights

A(∆PQB) = A(∆PQC) ………. (III)


∴ \(\large \frac {A (∆APQ)}{A (∆PQB)}\) = \(\large \frac {A (∆APQ)}{A (∆PQC)}\) … [from (I), (II) and (III)]

∴ \(\large \frac {AP}{PB}\) = \(\large \frac {AQ}{QB}\) … [from (I) and (II)]

Hence proved