Story Writing

Write a story using the following outline. Give the story a suitable title:

Mahatma Gandhi in England – severe cold – a small girl offers him a shirt – Gandhiji asks for forty crore shirts – girl is puzzled – her father explains to her.

3587062 True Charity

True Charity

Gandhiji was once in England during the winter. Despite the severe cold, Gandhiji wore no shirt. A small girl who had come there for a visit offered Gandhiji a shirt. Gandhiji told the girl that one shirt was not enough for him. He wanted forty crore shirts.


The girl was puzzled. At home, she told her father about the incident. Her father explained that the forty crore shirts were for the poor people of India. Until they were properly clothed, Gandhiji would not wear a shirt. This story shows Gandhiji’s love for the poor of this country.