The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword


The pen is mightier than the sword The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword


The saying ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ signifies that words are notably effective. Author Bulwer Lytton stated that, though the pen is smaller in size, it can achieve more things than a sword. The capability of writing is more significant than the power of hatred and war. A sword or a pen do not work on their own; we are the ones who operate them. We are the ones who can make a difference in whether to fight or to write. For example, during India’s independence, some people took up swords to fight against the British, while others took up the pen to inscribe the country’s history and tragedies. Both the pen and the sword made equal contributions toward it. However, the fight against the pen has often been very influential.
A pen forms and presents something valuable to the readers. For decades, we have observed the development of the world and how the power of writing creates charm. Writers have fought against Sati Pratha, education barriers for girls, child abuse and child marriages, girl child killing, slavery, and many other social causes and were able to stir the whole world with the fight of their writing.
The phrase ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ illustrates the omnipresence of the written word. We see that a pen can be used to display public opinions and views. The primary goal of writing is to relate one’s mind with another and to convince the reader to take up the writer’s views. However, the reader is free to hold his views. He may either agree or disagree with the author. Thus, the pen symbolizes a friendly means of generating ideas.
The proverb infers that writers, authors, or scholars invisibly exert a greater impact on people than conflicts. The art of writing is more significant than the sharpness of a sword. This is because the fame of the sword causes pain and does not last forever, while the impact of writing is preeminent, influencing nations for years ahead.
The great ideas and opinions that transpire through a writer’s pen have transported men from brutality to compassion. People can think and embed their views on a piece of paper, propelling this position in society. Writers have proven to be more powerful than mighty warriors. Many great writers have destroyed dictatorships and monarchies around the world with the stroke of their pen. Writing has created conflicts and facilitated reconciliation. A war may affect thousands of people, but a book can change the entire nation. A war always ends in misery and destruction, whereas writing is a boon to humankind.


the pen is mightier than the sword essay The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword

It has been a point of contention for a long time about what is more powerful, physical force or intellectuality, or who rules the world with the sword or the pen. During the primitive age, the sword ruled the world, and the maxim ‘Might is right” was accepted by all. In the civilized world of today, the pen is surely mightier, and the sword is used for the pen. In today’s world, where every rule and law are coded and democratic values are accepted, the pen becomes more powerful.

The President of the USA, who is regarded as the most powerful man in the world, is so powerful because of his pen, which means intellectuality prevails over physical force. In the jungle, where the animals rule, only physical force is more important. An empire created by physical force is of a temporary nature and will soon crumble to dust within some years, but the empire of literature is immortal. So in this civilized world, the pen is mightier than the sword.