The Heights By Great Men Reached And Kept Were Not Attained By Sudden Flight, But They, While Their Companions Slept, Were Toiling Upward in The Night

the heights by great men 63831 1 The Heights By Great Men Reached And Kept Were Not Attained By Sudden Flight, But They, While Their Companions Slept, Were Toiling Upward in The Night

There can’t be any shortcut to success. The toil of years, the sweat of your brow, the struggle you make—everything counts in achieving the goal. Looking at the biographies of great men, we find that the majority of successful people, whether inventors, artists, scientists, technocrats, sculptures, thinkers, leaders, or workers of any kind, owe their success to their indefatigable hard work and dedication. They were the men who achieved their success with dedication, devotion, and true hard work. This really holds that the secret of success is being a master of our subject. Such mastery is attainable through continuous application and study.


Those who work diligently not only achieve their goals and get success but also remain happy, cheerful, and active, which is itself a great reward even if the work does not bring success. Enthusiasm is the best asset of a person; self-determination and hard work could achieve anything.