Preparedness For War For Preserving Peace

It seems very strange and paradoxical that preparedness for war is essential for preserving peace. But the saying appears to be true, for if a country is well equipped with all the modern war gadgets and weapons, other nations will have to think twice before entering into any conflict with it. On the other hand, a weak nation becomes prey to the whims and aggressions of powerful neighbors. A balance of power is a must for preserving peace.
Peace means freedom from war, but how can one preserve it unless or until you are well equipped? A peace-loving nation may not have the intention to enlarge its empire, but who can guarantee the dictates of other neighboring countries? What happened to our country when China attacked in 1962? We, being a fully peace-loving country, never felt the necessity until then to equip ourselves with modern war gadgets and weapons. China took the opportunity and attacked us, making encroachments on our land. What did UNO do? What other superpower could have done it? In the present world, your power determines your relationship with neighbours.
Nothing but power, your preparations to face any eventualities, and your preparations to face any imperialistic whims, can guarantee you peace. So it is the right conclusion that preparedness for war is necessary for preserving peace.