Money Is A Good Servant, But A Bad Master

money jpg Money Is A Good Servant, But A Bad Master

No doubt, money is an essential, almost indispensable article in the present-day world. It is the ‘money’ through which we can purchase all the necessary comforts and amenities of life. If you have money, you can obtain what seems impossible to others. It is money that gives confidence, credit worthiness, credentials, capacity, capabilities, and courage to a man. In the present materialistic world, money has become very powerful. In the present day, corruption, cutthroat competition, and callous degradation of moral and ethical values are for the sake of grabbing and accumulating more and more money. The prestige, respect, and social status commanded by a person are calculated as per his monetary status.


Money is regarded as omnipotent by a few people, particularly the poor. As whatever one does not possess, one aspires to it badly, and it becomes a mono aim of achievement. For the rich that owe lots of money, they still crave to earn more and more by hook or by crook, with fair or foul means, without caring even for their own health or family. They are the servants of money, earning money not for the sake of themselves but for the sake of money, and when the time comes, they find themselves unable to use the money for their happiness. They are unable to eat, unable to taste the most delicious dish, and unable to move, walk, or enjoy themselves because they suffer from many diseases that are the result of their undue craving for wealth at the cost of their health.


Those who earn money simply to have more money and more balance in their accounts are no better than the proverbial miser king, ‘Midas’. Excessive love for money makes a man a slave to money. Those who use money for fulfilling their necessities, acquiring reasonable comforts, and for the welfare of a common good are the masters of money. But those who earn money just for the sake of increasing its volume and number are slaves to the money. They are the most unfortunate creatures of God, who know well that whatever money they are earning can’t be carried along an iota of that when they die, even though they are minting more and more money. What a paradox! Money has become their master, and they are just slaves, having no peace of mind, no moral and ethical values, and no inner satisfaction.


So it is rightly said that money is a good servant but a bad master. Let us earn the money for our comfort, not for the sake of minting more and more money.