Habit : Good Servant But A Bad Master

habit is a good servant but a bad master 397443 Habit : Good Servant But A Bad Master

A habit is like a tree grown crouched. One cannot go to an orchard and take hold of a tree grown such and straighten it and say, “Now get straight and make it obey him. When one is young, he can acquire good or bad habits. One starts doing certain acts for the sake of pleasure, for the sake of fun, and if he is doing those things, that particular act, at regular or irregular intervals, he starts enjoying it and starts feeling the necessity of doing it again at that particular time, and it gradually takes the form of a habit.


Every chain smoker or habitual drunkard never starts smoking or drinking as a habit. He simply begins with such an act for the sake of company, for the curiosity of taste, or for the sake of fun in the company of his friends or otherwise, and he starts smoking or drinking alcohol now and then, and afterwards, he consumes it often. These now become his necessities, and then the habit is formed. Habit is cultivated slowly and gradually. A habit is nothing but the slow and gradual intake of something or the slow and gradual performance of some act. When it becomes a necessity, it is called a habit.


People enjoy smoking, and people enjoy drinking, but when the habit of smoking or drinking becomes our master, we feel uneasy or wearisome; without smoking or drinking, it is felt bad. So rightly said, “Habit is a good servant but a bad master.”


“Don’t let the habits control you or conquer you; keep them your ‘servants’ and enjoy their company”. This is the secret to enjoying life to the fullest extent.