Composition / Paragraph / Essay Writing
At The Grocer's Store

There is a grocery store very close to our house. It is called ‘Tip-Top Stores’. Mummy sends me there sometimes to buy things for the house. Sometimes it is sugar or tea leaves, sometimes bread or groundnuts, and sometimes flour or rice. I enjoy going to the grocer’s. The shop is full of goods. The best are the sweets.
Some of the goods are in big glass bottles. Some are in sacks. Some are packed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes. There is a refrigerator and an ice box at the back of the shop. Here the grocer keeps milk, butter, eggs, cold drinks, and shrikhand.
The grocer is a friendly man. He has two young men to help him with his work. Whenever I go to the shop, he welcomes me with a smile. Sometimes he gives me an extra candy or two.