History & Political Science
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Maximum Marks: 60
- All the activities/questions are compulsory.
- Figures to the right indicate full marks.
- Question Nos. 1 to 5 are based on History and Question Nos. 6 to 9 are based on Political Science.
- It is mandatory to write a complete statement as answer in Question No. 1(A).
- In Question No. 2(A) and 8(B) the appropriate answer is expected to be written by pen only in the concept map.
- In Question No. 1(B) correction is expected in the second part.
1. (A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences: [4 marks]
1. ‘Primitive Communism to Slavery’ represents the _______ historiography.
(A) Colonial
(B) Orientalist
(C) Nationalistic
(D) Marxist
2. The National Archives of India is in _______.
(A) Delhi
(B) Kolkata
(C) Mumbai
(D) Chennai
3. The first English newspaper in India was started by _______.
(A) James Augustus Hickey
(B) Sir John Marshall
(C) Allen Hume
(D) Balshastri Jambhekar
4. The ancient event of Olympic competitions used to be held at _______.
(A) Greece
(B) Rome
(C) India
(D) China
(B) Identify the wrong pair in the following, correct it and rewrite: [4 marks]
1. (i) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel – Reason in History
(ii) Leopold von Ranké – The Theory and Practice of History
(iii) Herodotus – The Histories
(iv) Karl Marx – Discourse on the Method
2. (i) Qutb Minar – Mehrauli
(ii) Gol Gumbaz – Bijapur
(iii) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus – Delhi
(iv) Taj Mahal – Agra
3. (i) Keechakvadh – Krishnaji Prabhakar Khadilkar
(ii) Ekach Pyala – Ram Ganesh Gadkari
(iii) Ithe Oshalala Mrutyu – Vasant Kanetkar
(iv) Natasamrat – Vijay Tendulkar
4. (i) Gharapuri (Elephanta) – Cave
(ii) Pandharpur – Pilgrim centre
(iii) Sagareshwar – Dam
(iv) Panchagani – Hill station
2. (A) Complete the following concept chart (Any two): [4 marks]

2. Complete the following concept map:

3. Complete the following concept map:

(B) Write short notes on (any two): [4 marks]
1. Bharatiya Samskruti Kosh
2. Need of Mass Media
3. Toys and Festival
3. (A) Explain the following statements with reasons (any two): [6 marks]
1. Television is the most popular medium.
2. Writing of the regional history received a momentum.
3. The list of World Heritage Sites is announced by UNESCO.
4. The number of people travelling back and forth from India has increased considerably.
5. Bharuds composed by Saint Eknath are popular in Maharashtra.
(B) Answer the following in short (any two): [6 marks]
1. Why is Voltaire said to be the founder of modern Historiography?
2. Write about folk traditions of sculptural art.
3. Which features of cricket commentary by Bal J. Pandit can be mentioned?
4. Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it: [4 marks]
‘Bharat Ek Khoj’
‘Bharat Ek Khoj’, a serial telecasted by Doordarshan has a special place in the history of Indian television serials. It was based on ‘Discovery of India’, a book written by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It was directed by Shyam Benegal. This serial presented the history of India from the ancient to the modern period, throwing light on social, cultural and political history of respective periods. It effectively portrayed many aspects of Indian history like Harappan Civilisation, Vedic history, interpretation of Ramayana and Mahabharata, Mauryan period, Turk-Afghan invasions, Mughal period and the contributions of Mughal emperors, Bhakti Movement, Role of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, movements of social reform and Indian struggle for independence, etc.
Roshan Seth, the actor who played Pandit Nehru’s role in this serial also appeared as a narrator, introducing and explaining various parts of the story by dramatising them, using folklore and informative speeches. The serial was admired in all parts of India because of the comprehensive historical perspective of Pandit Nehru and its equally comprehensive visual presentation.
1. On which book is a serial ‘Bharat Ek Khoj’ based on?
2. Who directed the serial ‘Bharat Ek Khoj’?
3. Which factors/aspects, according to you, made the serial ‘Bharat Ek Khoj’ popular?
5. Write elaborate answer (any two): [8 marks]
1. What objectives can be fulfilled through the heritage projects?
2. Why is library management important?
3. Tourism can generate career and employment opportunities. Give your opinion.
4. Explain Karl Marx’s ‘Class Theory’.
6. Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences: [4]
1. The essence of democracy is _______.
(A) Universal adult franchise
(B) Decentralisation of power
(C) Policy of reservation of seats
(D) Judicial decisions
2. ______ is the main demand of farmers movement.
(A) Right to cultivate on the forest land
(B) To get the right price for agricultural products
(C) Protection of consumers
(D) Building of dams
3. Justice Party – a non-Brahmin movement was transformed into _______ political Party.
(A) Assam Gan Parishad
(B) Shiv-Sena
(C) Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
(D) Jammu and Kashmir National Conference
4. The major challenge faced by all democratic nations in the world is _______.
(A) Religious conflicts
(B) Naxal activities
(C) Deepening the roots of democracy
(D) Importance to muscle power
7. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer (any two): [4 marks]
1. The nature of the Constitution is seen as a living document.
2. The state government decides as to when and in how many stages the elections would be held in a particular state.
3. People may lose confidence in the democratic process due to corruption during elections.
8. (A) Write short notes on (any two): [4]
1. Regionalism
2. Water Revolution
3. Right to Information.
(B) Complete the following picture (any two): [4 marks]
1. Process of elections:

2. Complete the following timeline showing the political parties and their year of establishment :

3. Complete the concept map:

9. Answer the following questions in brief (Any two): [4 marks]
1. For which reforms were the women’s movement in the pre-independence period fighting?
2. What efforts are undertaken to bring transparency in political process?
3. Explain the features of procedure of voting during the first Lok Sabha election?
4. Which particular Laws/Acts created a favourable environment for protection of freedom of women and secure their development?