SSC Board History and Political Science Question Paper : March 2023

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Time : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 40


  1. All the activities/questions are compulsory.
  2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
  3. Question Nos. 1 to 5 are based on History and Question Nos. 6 to 9 are based on Political Science.
  4. It is mandatory to write a complete statement as answer in Question Nos. 1(A) and 6.
  5. In Question Nos. 2(A) and 8(B) the appropriate answers are expected to be written with pen in the concept map.
  6. If the answers of Question No. 1(A) and (B) and Question No. 6 are repeated in answer sheet, then only first attempted answer will be considered.

1. (A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences : [3 marks]

1. Louvre Museum has in its collection the much acclaimed painting of _______ by Leonardo da Vinci.

(A) Napoleon

(B) Mona Lisa

(C) Hans Sloan

(D) George II


2. Thomas Cook established a travel agency selling _______.

(A) Handicrafts

(B) Toys

(C) Food items

(D) Tourist tickets


3. Among women authors writing about women in the 19th Century, C.E. _______ was the foremost one.

(A) Tarabai Shinde

(B) Pandita Ramabai

(C) Meera Kosambi

(D) Sharmila Rege


(B) Identify the wrong pair in the following and rewrite : [3 marks]



1. Kolkata
2. Delhi


3. Hyderabad
4. Pune


– National Library

Nehru Memorial Museum

  and Library

State Central Library

Library of Asiatic Society



1. Karl Marx

2. Michel Foucault

3. Leopold von Ranke

4. Herodotus







Types of Magazine

1. Weekly

2. Bimonthly

3. Monthly

4. Quarterly


Seven days

Fifteen days

One month

Two months

2. (A) Complete the following concept chart/map (any two) : [4 marks]

1. Complete the concept map :

2. Complete the following concept map :

3. Complete the concept map :

(B) Write short notes on (any two) : [4 marks]

1. Dialectics

2. Public History

3. Marathi Theatre


3. Explain the following statements with reasons (any two) : [4 marks]

1. Television is the most popular medium.

2. Bharuds composed by Saint Eknath are popular in Maharashtra.

3. Foreigners prefer to come to India to avail medical facilities.

4. Major Dhyan Chand is known as the ‘Wizard of Hockey’.


4. Read the following extract and answer the questions below : [4 marks]

Sports and Greeks is a very ancient equation. The Greeks were the first to standardise the rules of sports and organise them systematically. They started sports competitions of Discus throw, Horse and Chariot Races, Wrestling and Boxing etc. The ancient event of Olympic competitions used to beheld at Olympia, the ancient Greek city. To be able to participate in Olympics and be a winner is supposed to be a great honour for sports-persons.



1. In which city was the ancient Olympic competitions held? [1 mark]

2. From which period is the relation of Sports and Greeks? [1 mark]

3. Write in your own words about Olympic games. [2 marks]


5. Answer the following questions in detail (any two) : [6 marks]

1. What is Bakhar? Explain the different types of Bakhars in detail.

2. Suggest at least six solutions for the preservation of the sources of history.

3. What are the professional fields associated with tourism?

4. Which tasks are important in archives management?

Q.6. Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statements : [2 marks]

1. Which of the following laws created a favourable environment for women to secure freedom and self-development?

(A) Right to Information Act

(B) Dowry Prohibition Act

(C) Food Security Act

(D) Right to Education Act


2. In 1986, _________ came into existence.

(A) Consumer Protection Act

(B) Trade Union Act

(C) Right to Information Act

(D) Dowry Prohibition Act


7. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer (any two) : [4 marks]

1. The nature of the Constitution is seen as a living document.

2. Under special circumstances, the Election Commission holds re-elections in a particular constituency for a second time.

3. Movements do not need strong leadership.


8. (A) Explain the following concepts (any one) : [2 marks]

1. National Parties

2. Corruption


(B) Do as instructed (any one) : [2 marks]

1. Complete the following concept chart:

2. Complete the following concept map:

9. Answer in brief (any one) : [2 marks]

1. What is meant by establishment of social justice?

2. What are the challenges in conducting free and fair elections?