SSC Board History and Political Science Question Paper : March 2022

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Time : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 40


  1. All the activities/questions are compulsory.
  2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
  3. Question Nos. 1 to 5 are based on History and Question Nos. 6 to 9 are based on Political Science.
  4. It is mandatory to write a complete statement as answer in Question No. 1(A) and 6.
  5. In Question No. 2(A) and 8(B) the appropriate answer is expected to be written by pen only in the concept map.
  6. The answers of Question No. 1(A) and (B) and Question No. 6 are repeated then only first attempted answer will be considered.

1. (A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences : [3 marks]

1. The first English newspaper in India was started by _______.

(A) James Augustus Hickey

(B) Sir John Marshall

(C) Allen Hume

(D) Michel Foucault


2. The first Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India was _______.

(A) Alexander Cunninghum

(B) William Jones

(C) John Marshall

(D) Friedrich Max Muller


3. The first museum in India is _______ at Kolkata.

(A) Government Museum

(B) National Museum

(C) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastusangrahalay

(D) Indian Museum


(B) Identify the wrong pair in the following, correct it and rewrite : [4 marks]

1.  1. Benjamin Tudela – Spain
     2. Marco Polo – Italy
     3. Ibn Batuta – India
     4. Yuan Shwang – China


2.  1. Mallakhamb – Physical Exercise game
     2. Kabaddi – Outdoor games
     3. Ice Hocky – Adventurous games
     4. Atyapatya – Indoor games


3. 1 . James Augustus Hickey – Bengal Gazette

     2. Balshastri Jambhekar – Darpan

     3. Bhau Mahajan – Dnyanoday

     4. Bal Gangadhar Tilak – Kesari

2. (A) Complete the following concept chart/map (any two) : [4 marks]

1. Complete the following timeline regarding Encyclopaedias related to History subject:

2. Complete the following concept map :

3. Complete the following concept map :

(B) Write short notes on (any two) : [4 marks]

1. Subaltern History
2. Voltaire
3. Louvre Museum


3. Explain the following statements with reasons (any two) : [4 marks]

1. We must preserve our natural and cultural heritage

2. Knowledge of history is essential for newspaper articles.

3. Toys can tell us about cultural history.

4. Running commentaries of cricket broadcasted by Bal. J. Pandit on Akashavani were entertaining.


4. Read the following extract and answer the questions below : [4 marks]

Sohagaura Copper-plate: The copper-plate was found at Sohagaura (District Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh). It is supposed to be from the Mauryan period. The inscription on it is in Brahmi script. The symbols known as ‘Tree-in-railing’ and ‘Mountain’ at the beginning of the inscription also occur on punch marked coins. Another symbol which looks like a structure erected on four pillars is supposed to be indicative of a granary. The inscription records a royal order that the grains stored in the granary should be distributed carefully. It is supposed to be suggestive of precautions taken in the times of a famine.


1. Where was the Sohagaura Copper-plate found? [1 mark]

2. In which script is Sohagaura Copper-plate? [1 mark]

3. Explain the importance of Sohagaura Copper-plate at the source of History. [2 marks]


5. Answer the following questions in detail (any two) : [6 marks]

1. How can we correlate Applied History with our present?

2. Write in detail ‘History of Akashwani’.

3. Explain the difference between outdoor and indoor games.

4. What are the professional opportunities in the Tourism and Hospitality industry available to History students?


6. Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statements : [2 marks]

1. The essence of democracy is __________.

(A) Universal adult franchise

(B) Decentralisation of power

(C) Policy of reservation of seats

(D) Judicial decisions


2. In the pre-independence period _________ tribe from Orissa revolted against the British rule.

(A) Koli

(B) Gond

(C) Bhilla

(D) Ramoshi


Q.7. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answers (any two) : [4 marks]

1. The judgements of court on various subjects have made the political process in India more mature.

2. The State Government decides as to when and in how many stages the elections would be held in a particular state.

3. Consumer movement came into existence.


Q.8. (A) Write the following concept (any one) : [2 marks]

1. Multiparty system

2. Water revolution


(B) Do as instructed (any one) : [2 marks]

1. Complete the following flow chart:

Process of Elections:

2. Complete the following concept diagram:

9. Answer in brief (any one) : [2 marks]

1. Which decisions of the court has resulted in protection of honour and dignity of women?

2. Why movements need a strong leadership?